To ensure that a qualified supplier is able to submit their prices to bid for any relevant work placed through the software, you must first locate the supplier in Contacts:

  • Change the User Role from Interested Provider to Supplier.

If you have set your Questionnaire to result in the qualification of Goods & Services, this section will automatically be updated in the Organisations page.

  • Otherwise you will need to qualify a  supplier for the various cost stages and descriptions - they will then appear in the list of approved suppliers for any relevant cost added on the system.

To test this:

  • Add a cost to a job, selecting a cost stage/ description.
  • Scroll down to the Available Suppliers section at the bottom of this page.
  • You will notice that only suppliers that have been qualified for this cost stage/ description are listed here.
  • Select the suppliers that you want to send the quote to, and process the work as you would normally do. 

The next step is to advise the supplier on how to upload their prices onto Panacea if applicableOnce a supplier has uploaded their price matrices they can request it to 'Go Live', which will trigger an email alert to the key user. Dependent on the permissions of a Key User, they may also be able to upload a template , or upload a matrix on behalf of a supplier. Key Users with specific permissions can also respond to requests by suppliers and make their prices/matrices live. 

History of a Supplier's Qualification:

To view a suppliers qualification history, first locate the supplier in Contacts > Organisations:

  • Click on the specific supplier and go to the Goods and Services tab.
  • Click on View History and under the Qualification column click on Details to view the history of a suppliers qualification. This helps in record keeping, as it shows the name of the evaluator and qualification details. 
  • There is also the Requirement column, which has a link to the requirement the qualification comes from.