If you have a lot of budget codes to enter onto Panacea, you may find it easier to import these using our import tool.

  • Each organisation will require its own import file.
  • You can specify the section or department the budget code is to be assigned to, or assign it to the whole organisation.

To import budget codes:

  • Go to Settings > Budget Codes > select an organisation > click Import above the list of budget codes.
  • The Import Budget Codes box will open. 
  • Click Download Template.

Import Template

N.B. Please note the software has a 50 character limit for Budget code values. 

  • The template will be pre-populated with the client organisation ID, the charging year and valid to and from dates. The charging year and dates can be amended to suit your requirements. 
  • The fields for account code and capital cost code can be selected by entering “yes”.

  • If the budget code is to be assigned to a particular section or department, enter the name into the Section or Department field. Ensure that “n” for no is entered into the Whole Organisation field.

  • If the budget code is available for multiple sections/departments you will need to specify only 1 section/department, import the file, and then upload another file with the same budget code but the other section/department. You cannot upload duplicate budget codes in the same file.

Upload Import

  • When the file is ready to be uploaded, go back to Settings > Budget Codes > select an organisation > upload the file > click Upload & Validate
  • The system will check the file data is in the correct format for importing.
  • If the file is valid, a message will be displayed advising that the file is correct. To import the data, simply click the Import button.

If something goes wrong....

  • If the file format is invalid, you will get a message to download the validation report. The validation report will provide comments on the fields that need to be amended. 
  • Once these are fixed, re-upload the file and import!