Knock-Out Questions can be useful for eliminating a supplier on the basis of a particular response. However, you can also choose to allow Suppliers to submit their responses when answering a knock-out question.

Creating Knock-Out Questions in Tender Questionnaires

You can create Knock-out rules for the following questions:

  • Yes/No
    • You can specify answering Yes/No/Not Applicable as "Knock Out"
  • Number Field - Supplier will be automatically disqualified if response is lower than minimum or higher than maximum response accepted
    • Specify a minimum value and a maximum value

You can also specify a Knockout Warning that will be presented to the supplier when they fail the Knock-out

  • N.B. 500 character limit

Tender Questionnaire rules for Knock-Out

Please ensure that you have picked the correct option for handling any knock-out question(s) in the Tender Questionnaire rules before publishing. This CANNOT be changed once a questionnaire has been published. 

  • Prevent a supplier from submitting questionnaire if they fail a knock-out question (although they will be able to up-date and submit if circumstances change)
    •  Use this ONLY if you do not wish to let suppliers submit their response if they fail a Knock-Out Question that's been set.
    • Suppliers will see that the section has a status of "Knocked Out - Try Again" if they fail a Knock-out, and they will see further information in red within the section.
    • They will not be able to submit their response if they have failed any Knock-out questions if this option has been pciked.
  • Allow all submissions (including responses that fail the Knock-Out rules) and highlight knocked-out response to evaluators  
    • Use this if you want to allow a supplier to respond where they fail the Knock-Out so you can still evaluate their response
    • Suppliers will see information in red where they have failed a Knock-out question for guidance. 
    • Suppliers will be able to submit their responses even if they have failed a Knock-out question.