Templates serve as a "base" questionnaire format. They're an effective way to save time when setting up Tender Questionnaires that have similar formats, so you don't have to create these Questionnaires by scratch each time.

In order to publish a Tender Questionnaire, you must first have a Template to create it from.

Creating a new Template

  • Head to Sourcing > RFX Tender Templates
  • Click "+Create a template"
  • Enter a title and description for your Template, then click "+Create"
  • Your template should now show on the list of Templates. 

Once you've created your Template, you then need to Edit it in order to build up your Questions. Please see below on how to Edit a Template.

Editing a Template

  • Click the "Edit" button next to your Template.
  • This will bring up a window where you can make your edits to the Template.

Adding new and editing existing Sections/Sub-sections

Questions are grouped in Section/Sub-sections. In order to add Questions, you must first add a Section/Sub-section, which you can then add questions into.

  • Section: A group of questions
  • Sub-sectionUse these to ask for further information dependent on a response. Sub-sections should be created before you create the section, as you will need to link it to the relevant question on the Questionnaire. Ensure you have ticked 'Sub-section'

Enter the name of your Section/Sub-section in the text field. If you wish to create a Sub-section, ensure you tick the box. Once you're happy, click "+Add new section". You can then edit your Section to add Questions.

Edit the Title/Description of the Template

  • Click "Update Template" at the top of the pop-up
  • Make your amends to the Title and Description as required, then click "Save"

Using a Template

You can use your Templates when you create a new Tender Questionnaire. You'll need to select a Template to base your Questionnaire off.