Direct P2P Buyers have the ability to purchase items via a requisition batch. Goods or services are ordered through the catalogue and added to the batch, where the factors such a quantity can be controlled.

Stage 1: Browsing and requisitioning

To begin a purchase, head to Direct-P2P > Catalogue. Here you can browse the catalogue and select the items you need. You can add any number of items to a single requisition as well as any quantity of the items you have selected. E.g. if the requisition is for a charity event, you can add everything for that event, from catering (e.g. sandwiches, cupcakes, soft drinks), to entertainment (e.g. custom banners, festoons, balloons etc.). This helps keep orders organised.

When you are ready to confirm your requisition, click the Requisition button in the top right-hand side of the screen (this button can be found on all pages under the buyer view of Direct-P2P. Here you can label your requisition (e.g. Charity Event), select the budget for it to be charged against and specify whether you want to place this requisition on behalf of another user. You will be placing the order for yourself by default. Below, you can select the supplier you wish to use. Once the above has been completed, you can either save your order for approval, or send it directly for approval, depending on the value of the order.

Stage 2: Pending approval

Approvers (i.e. Budget Holders and Rubber Stampers) have the right to either stamp/approve or reject your requisition.

If your order has been rejected, then you will see the red status label Rejected. The order will be at Approval stage. You can either submit a new, revised requisition, or, you can cancel the requisition using the Cancel Requisition button to the right. Cancelling a requisition will archive it and hide it from your Purchase Items list. To access the archive, click the Archive button situated next to the Requisition button in the top right of the screenthis will show you a list of your cancelled requisitions.

If your order has been approved, it will then appear in the Purchase Items screen with the option to send the purchase order. To do this, click the Purchase Order button. 

This will open a new screen where you can specify the delivery deadline and provide additional comments. Once you are happy, click Send Purchase Order.

The order will now appear in the supplier's interface.

Tip: You can converse with the supplier directly by using the messaging feature. To do this, click the speech bubbles icon on the Pi entry—this will open a modal window where you can send and read messages.

Stage 3: Delivery workflows


⚠ Important

Depending on the delivery workflow configured for your organisation, the supplier may not have to confirm delivery in order for you to receipt the order. Please contact your Direct-P2P Admin, or contact for confirmation on which workflow your organisation is using.


Once the supplier has marked your order as delivered, you will then be able to either receipt or reject the order, or parts of the order. You will also be able to view delivery evidence, if they have provided it.

Receipting an order

Receipting delivered goods follows the same logic as requisitioning, whereby entering '1' in the quantity box will receipt only one item from the batch delivered. Receipting items will change the status of those items to Receipted and change the order stage to Delivery. If you are only receipting a portion of the goods received, then this will split the order and create a new entry with a unique Pi number. To view the relationships between split orders, hover your cursor over the diverging arrows icon.

Rejecting an order

Selecting this option will open a modal window where you can adjust the quantity of items for rejection (for example, if you have ordered a batch of six items, but one is faulty, you would enter '1' in the quantity box). Rejecting items will change the status of those items to Rejected.


⚠ Important

In order to reject an order, a rejection reason must be provided. 


Partial rejection or receipt

Partially accepting or rejecting orders will cause the software create new entries in the table for these items. For example, if you were to order six items, receipt three and reject one, Panacea would split this into three separate entriesone for the unreceipted items (2), one for rejected items (1) and one for the receipted items (3). You will have the option to reinstate rejected goods if you have performed this erroneously.

The reinstated goods will be reverted back to unreceipted status (labelled as Sent in the Status column), but will not be merged into remaining unreceipted items from the same order (if any) and will instead remain as standalone entries with a unique Pi number.