Stock control restocks are ordered through the 'Client Interface'. 

  • Please contact the Support team to verify that the Preferred Supplier setting is enabled for the item you wish to re-stock.
  • In the 'Client Interface', select the item, and select the option to Restock
  • Click Calculate Price to go to the next stage. 
    • Here, you will be prompted to enter your delivery deadline, upload any relevant files, and select Tick to confirm the artwork is approved for printing. You may also be able to enter additional notes, if the available item is configured for this.
  • Then press Add to basket.
  • In the 'Checkout' screen, you can Add Another Item or place the order. 
    • To place your order, enter your PO number and agree to the terms and conditions.

To be processed

  •  The request will now come through to the New requests to be processed section of the homepage. Click on the entry to view the Order Details screen. 
  • This screen will display details of the re-stock, including the price, any mark-ups, the current stock quantity and the restock quantity. 
  • Please check to ensure that the correct supplier has been selected - if not please contact the support team.
  • You will be able to re-direct the order, reject it, or accept it onto a project. 
  • Accepting the order will create a job. 
    • You can now send a Purchase Order to your supplier.