Before you publish a Questionnaire (which means it can no longer be edited), you can choose to create a Test Version. This is useful so you can first test how the Questionnaire will look to a supplier, the scoring options you've set for Evaluation and test any Weighting you've set works as intended.

Creating a Test Version allows you to follow the full workflow of Publishing a Questionnaire > Responding to a Questionnaire > Evaluating responses > Qualify for testing purposes, which can then be deleted without keeping any records submitted.

N.B. Unlike Test Questionnaires, a Published Questionnaire can not be deleted- it can only be withdrawn and records will stay on the system. This is why it can be useful to create a Test Version first, so you can identify errors and correct these before publishing the actual Questionnaire for all suppliers to respond to. make changes before the Questionnaire is published for all Suppliers.

Set-up a Test Supplier account:

The Test Questionnaire workflow requires you to have a Test Supplier account set-up, as you'll need to log onto this in order to access the Questionnaire. If you don't have a Test Supplier account already on the system, you'll need to create one. 

Create a Test Supplier account by either:

  • Creating a new Contact yourself:
    • Set the User Role as an 'Interested Provider' or 'Supplier'. 
    • You can set the name as "Test Supplier". 
    • You'll need to use an e-mail address that you have access to so you can receive the e-mail to set your password for the account.
  • Ask us at Panacea Support to create a Test Supplier account for you, and we'll provide you with the log-in details (in the case that you don't have a spare e-mail address to use to create one yourself).

Creating a Test Questionnaire:

You first need to create a Test Version of your Questionnaire.

  • Head to Sourcing > Requirements and click into the Requirement.
  • Go into the RFX tab. You can create a new Test Questionnaire by creating a Test version of an existing Draft Questionnaire you've created, or you can create one from scratch.
    • To create a new Test Version of an existing Questionnaire:
      • Go into the RFX tab, and you should have a list of all Questionnaires linked to this Requirement
      • Next to the relevant Questionnaire, click New Test
    • To create a new Test Questionnaire from scratch:
  • You can then set the rules from the Manage Questionnaire screen, as you would when publishing a Questionnaire. Please see here for guidance on setting rules for a Questionnaire.
  • For Test Questionnaires, the participation is automatically configured to invitation only. You need to invite your Test Supplier account here.
    • This prevents the Test Questionnaire from being accidently made publicly accessible to all suppliers.
  • Click Save to be able to manage evaluators and edit the rules.
  • Click Publish to publish the Test questionnaire and start the normal workflow.

Using the Test Questionnaire:

Once you've created and published your Test Questionnaire, you can then test it by following the normal Questionnaire workflow. 

Test the Questionnaire as a Supplier

You'll need to use your Test Supplier account to access the Questionnaire.

  • Log into your Test Supplier account and navigate to Participate > My Questionnaires.
  • You should see your Test Questionnaire in this screen. Click "Respond" to access the sections and start responding to your Questionnaire. Please follow the steps detailed here for guidance on how to respond to a Questionnaire.
    • If your Test Questionnaire isn't appearing, log back into your own account and double check in the Manage Questionnaire screen that you've invited your Test Supplier account and that the Opening date isn't in the future.
  • Once you've finished testing the Supplier view of the Questionnaire, you can Submit your response to move onto the Evaluation testing, if required. 

Evaluate your Test response

Your response should now appear in the Evaluation screen. 

  • Log into your own account and navigate to Supplier Management > Evaluate & Review
  • You should see your Test Supplier responses in this screen.
    • If your response isn't appearing, double check that you've set yourself as an Evaluator for your Test Questionnaire.
  • Click "Select for Evaluation" next to your Test Supplier response, and start Evaluating your responses. You can check your Scoring 
  • Please see here for guidance on Evaluating.
  • Once you've finished testing Evaluation, you need to evaluate each section to move onto the Qualify testing, if required.

View the Qualify screen

Once you've evaluated each section, it will now move into the Qualify screen. 

N.B: You can only use this screen to see how the qualification results and weighting looks, you won't be able to submit the final results.

Once you've finished your testing, you can then make any amendments identified in your actual Questionnaire version.

Delete the Test Questionnaire

You can delete the Test Version of the Questionnaire at any point, by going to the RFX tab of your requirement, click on the Test Questionnaire and click Delete.

  • All responses/documentation will be deleted along with it.