Suppliers are able to register interest and respond to questionnaires.

  • To respond to a questionnaire go to the Participate> Register Interest tab.
  • Here you will find a list of all questionnaires and their statuses. Click on the Documents link to see all supporting documents.
  • Click the Participate button next to the questionnaire you wish to participate in. 
  • Then go to Participate > My Questionnaires and click Respond against the relevant questionnaire.
  • Click on the section you wish to complete.
  • You can save your answers as you go by clicking the Save button. Once you have answered all of the questions or if you have answered all of the questions you can and would like to come back to them later, click the Save and Close button.
  • The Status represents the stage that you are at with answering the questions in a section.    
    • Not Started - None of the questions have been answered in the section. 
    • In Progress - You have answered one or more of the questions in the section but have not yet answered all of the questions in the section. 
      • Depending on the question, either of the following messages will appear underneath each mandatory question you have not answered: 
        • "Please select an option" 
        • "Please enter your answer for this question" 
      • The following message will also appear at the bottom underneath the save buttons: 
        • "Question mandatory not answered"
    • Knocked-out - You have provided an answer to one or more of the questions in the section which does not meet the requirements to qualify as a supplier. 
      • These are normally Yes/No questions. E.g. A question could ask you, 'Do you agree with the terms and conditions for registering as a supplier?' - 'Yes' or 'No'. Answering 'No' to this question will result in you being knocked-out and unable to submit your application. 
      • You will be provided with help text suggesting the kind of information/response this type of question is looking for.
      • Depending on the particular questionnaire/section, if your answer has been 'Knocked-out', either of the following messages will appear:
        • "You will not be able to submit your response, as your answer to this question fails to meet the minimum requirements"
        • "Your answer to this question fails to meet the minimum requirements" 
    • Completed - You have provided an answer to all of the questions.
  • When you are happy you have fully answered the questionnaire submit it by clicking the Submit button. 

Submitting the questionnaire will present the user with a box at the top of the screen confirming their submission. The user, site depending, will also receive an email to confirm they have successfully submitted the questionnaire.

NB: You will not be able to edit your answers after you have submitted them!

  • Evaluators will be alerted when you have submitted a section and you will be contacted once your submission has been reviewed.
  • If you need to re-apply to a questionnaire (where you have previously submitted answers) with similar answers, you can simply press Participate again. This will automatically fill in with your answers supplied previously - you can then make any amendments where necessary.