Supplier Organisation - Supplier View

Suppliers who are on sites using our Sourcing/Procurement modules will be able to see and update key information about their company. Some of this information will become crucial for validation if your site is switched on for Supplier Self-Service Registration.

These suppliers will be able find this page via Participate > Company Details.

The process:

Main Details

  • Organisation Name / Trading Name
    • This can only be edited by Key Users. For sites that have the 'Supplier Self-Service' functionality enabled, this will be used to help identify your colleagues adding accounts onto the system.
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State/County
  • Zip/Postcode
    • For sites that have the 'Supplier Self-Service' functionality enabled, this will be used to help identify your colleagues adding accounts onto the system. 
  • Country
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Company Website
  • Organisation-wide correspondence email (if applicable)

Sourcing Details

  • Name - If registered, give registered Name
    • For sites that have the 'Supplier Self-Service' functionality enabled, this will be used to help identify your colleagues adding accounts onto the system. 
  • Registered Address (if applicable)
  • Registered Website (if applicable)
  • Date of Registration (if applicable)
    • Leave blank if not applicable
    • For sites that have the 'Supplier Self-Service' functionality enabled, this will be used to help identify your colleagues adding accounts onto the system. 
  • Identification Register and relevant Number
    • You can select Companies House, National Insurance Number among other options
  • Registered VAT Number
    • If you do not have a VAT Number please leave this field blank
    • For sites that have the 'Supplier Self-Service' functionality enabled, this will be used to help identify your colleagues adding accounts onto the system. 
  • Relevant classifications
  • Small, Medium or Micro Enterprise (SME)
  • D-U-N-S Number - 9 characters
    • If you do not have DUNS Number please leave this field blank
    • For sites that have the 'Supplier Self-Service' functionality enabled, this will be used to help identify your colleagues adding accounts onto the system. 
  • Construction Line Reg No
  • Is Small, medium or Micro Enterprise (SME)
  • Are you a sole-trader? (Self-employed or freelancer)
  • Are you registered for the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
    • If you tick, you will be asked to provide
      • Unique Taxpayer Reference
      • Companies House and number in the Identification Register
      • If you have selected that you are a Sole-trader, you will be asked to provide National Insurance Number in the Identification Register

Bank Details*

*For sites that ask suppliers to provide bank details/ Factoring Company. If this is not visible, your site does not require this information.

Provide either:

  • Bank Details Information
    • Click Save to start filling in and come back to later/ if not LIVE on a Requirement supplier can just Save 
    • Click Submit > This will then go to the nominated Key User to review and either accept/reject the change in details
    • Suppliers will receive a notification for both outcomes
  • Use of Factoring Company
    • Pick the relevant Factoring Company
    • Provide Unique supplier reference that authorises the use of this Factoring Company


Information in the Contacts section has been streamlined to include only relevant information to the Supplier. The fields that are included in the Contact Settings are as follows:

  • Supplier primary Contact
  • PQQ Supplier Contact
  • Finance contact