Add the organisation

You will need to add a new organisation if they are not already on your site. Check by going to the menu option Contacts and selecting Organisation. You can search using the search bar. 

  • To create an organisation, click the Add an organisation button in the top menu bar.
  • Type in the organisation's name and select the Supplier organisation type. 
  • Tick the box next to Edit Organisation Name in order to be able to change the organisations name once the organisation has been added.
  • Tick the Is Preferred Supplier box under the Settings tab if you would like them to be preferred supplier for specific goods or services.
  • Enter the address of the organisation. 
  • Enter the telephone number and anything further.
  • Click the Next button at the bottom of the page
  • Select the services / types of work they are approved to supply in the 'Goods and Services' tab, or there prices will not appear for jobs, and they will not be considered for quotes. 
  • If you are managing your suppliers qualifications through a Requirement on Panacea (e.g. DPS, sharing a DPS) please don't update the qualifications here. Please do so in the appropriate Requirement subject to their qualification on the DPS.
  • Head to the Settings tab > General Settings to add further information for your supplier organisation:
    • Vendor ID/Finance reference for the supplier
    • Tick the Is Preferred Supplier box  if you would like them to be preferred supplier for specific goods or services.
    • Tick any further settings as required that are relevant for the Supplier organisation

Add a contact

Each supplier organisation should have at least one contact (the Primary contact) with an email address and login information, or they will not be able to receive orders, purchase orders, or be able to submit invoices.  You can check if they are already on the site by going to the menu option Contacts and selecting Contact List. You can search using the search bar.  

Things to remember

  • Make sure company contacts have log in details. They will have No Login by their name if they don't. To send out login information, click the Manage Login button at the bottom of the page, then Create Password in the new box that opens up at the top of the screen. 
  • You can set up a contact with a shared email address, so that email notifications are always picked up. 
  • You now have the option to add a Finance Contact for an organisation, i.e. someone who raises the invoices in an organisation as opposed to someone who manages the orders.
    • Finance Contacts will receive notifications once deliveries have been confirmed and, if set, confirmation of goods receipt to upload an invoice.

Link the two

You can choose a primary contact/ finance contact/ PQQ Supplier contact from the Contacts tab on the organisation page. 


Once added, you're able to go back into the particular organisation to view details such as Departments, Goods and Services, Supplier Mark-up and Document Slots

Within Settings > Supplier Mark-up, you can click to view a list of client organisations affected when Supplier Mark-up is altered, and specify the Supplier Markup for the relevant Cost Stages/Descriptions if needed*

*This option will only be visible if you have chosen to switch on the Supplier Markup functionality for that supplier. This is set-up by the Panacea Support team.

Sourcing Details 

Relevant to subscribers with e-Procurement / Supplier Management modules - please ignore this tab if your site does not use our e-Procurement module. Key Users can can view/edit the Sourcing Details of a Supplier Organisation. This will become integral to the process of suppliers self-managing their accounts on sites using e-Procurement, and will allow Key Users to see core company information for that supplier. 

This tab will be made visible to suppliers on sites using e-Procurement in due course, and will be updated in real-time with any changes made by the Supplier.

Supplier Management - Recording a Call-off 

Call-off Purchase Orders can be recorded against supplier organisations, including the option to set an opening spend value. The cost of each individual order will deduct automatically from the opening spend value to give the current balance. When the balance reaches zero, the spend value can be topped up or a new call-off purchase order number can be added. 

For more information on this feature, please see our article on Supplier Management - Call-off Purchase Orders

Document Slots 

What are Document Slots? 

Relevant to subscribers with e-Procurement / Supplier Management modules.  Key Users can access the "Document Slots" tab within the organisation profile. 

Here, Key Users will be able to view the 'Document Slots' a supplier submitted within a Questionnaire or uploaded directly by the supplier. Certain Key users will also be able to upload files for the supplier - subject to the relevant permissions.

Data Slots 

What are Data Slots? 

Relevant to subscribers with e-Procurement / Supplier Management modules.  Key Users can access the "Data Slots" tab within the organisation profile. 

Here, Key Users will be able to view the 'Data Slots' a supplier submitted within a Questionnaire or populated directly by the supplier. Certain Key users will also be able to populate the data fields against/on behalf of the supplier - subject to the relevant permissions.

Comment Tab

Relevant to subscribers with e-Procurement / Supplier Management modules.  Key users can add information.

There is the further option to add comments to an organisation via the 'Comment' tab on the organisations screen. This allows Key Users to record any extra information they require or to add later notes. The comment tab will only appear once the organisation has been created.