All contacts which are added to Panacea must be associated with an Organisation. Therefore, before adding a contact, you must check if the contact's organisation is already set-up on Panacea. 

  • If it is, proceed as below. 
  • If not, please first add an organisation. To add a client organisation, please click here. Alternatively, to add a supplier organisation, please click here.   

Adding a contact

  1. Click on the Add Contact icon in the top navigation bar.

        2. Once you have filled in the form, click Add

  • Pick the relevant user role for the contact. Contacts can be added for a Key User role (paid License) as well. Please see here for more information.

        3. Have the option to add a shared correspondence email so emails can be accessed via a relevant team if needed,                     rather than an individual.

Please note that the Gender field can be removed from this form before new contacts are added. However, if a contact has already been added, then the Gender field cannot be subsequently removed. Please get in touch with Panacea Support if you would like the Gender field removed. 


        3. To provide the added contact with a login, click Manage Login, then Create Password. The contact will be emailed a                 link to the system along with a link to create a password. 

N.B. Single Sign-On: If this contact will be using SSO to login, once you've added them and they login, they will be picked up as this contact. They will not need a manual password. 

Also - sites with SSO do not need to add contacts first, a user can simply log-in with their credentials through SSO and an account will be created (subject to your IT settings)