To add an organisation, click on the Add Organisation icon in the top navigation bar

  1. Input the organisation's name. 
  2. Select Client as Organisation Type.  
  3. Enter the address of the organisation. 
  4. Enter the telephone number and email host name. 
  5. Click the Add button at the bottom of the page to create the organisation.

        6. To make it compulsory for client contacts to have a Department and / or Section, tick the relevant check box on the                 organisation's settings tab.

Some organisations also require departments and sections to be created on the system. These can be added, edited and deleted at any time. Please see our article on managing departments and sections.

NB: A 'Comment' tab has added to the organisation screen that allows Key Users to record any extra information they require or to add later notes. The comment tab will only appear once the organisation has been created.


Adding mark-up

To charge a mark-up for clients follow these steps:

  1. Open the client Organisation contact page.
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. Click on the Client markup tab.
  4. Enter the desired percentage for each service. 
  5. Click on the Update button to save your changes.

 See here for more information on adding Client Mark-up,

Some organisations require mark-up to be applied to an organisation's fees, but based on the budget code selected. Please see our article on Create and manage budget codes

Adding a contact to the new client organisation

  • Follow the instructions on adding a contact. When filling out the main details, select the organisation that you would like to link the contact to.

Please note additional instructions for setting up a supplier organisation

  • Remember to qualify your supplier organisations for relevant goods and services