Client Markup

Client Markup allows you to add a mark-up onto of the suppliers price to allow users to be able to charge for admin/management of the work. 

Client Estimate = Supplier Estimate + Client Markup

To charge a mark-up for clients, open the client Organisation contact page and click on the 'Client Markup' tab. 

Selecting Edit for any cost stage here opens up a list of the Cost Descriptions within that stage. A markup specified against a Cost Description will override the markup for the Stage if the “Use Specific markup' checkbox is ticked, otherwise the markup for the Stage will apply.

Click on the Update button to save your changes.

Re-using a Client's Markup for another Client

You have the ability to set a particular Organisation as a template for Mark-up percentages. This allows you to pull in these Mark-up values on another organisation when editing their mark-up - this saves you having to remember and type out the percentages for each Cost Stage/Cost Description.

  • In the Organisation to be used as a template:
    • In the 'Client Markup' tab, tick Use this company's markup values as a template
  • In the Organisation you wish to pull in this templated mark-up:
    • In the 'Client Markup' tab, select the template Organisation from the drop-down list and then click Set markup for this company
    • It will then pull in all the Mark-up values that have been set-up in the Templated Organisation.

You can also determine a Client Organisation whose mark-up percentages will be used by default on any new created Client Organisations. If you wish to specify a default Client Organisation whose markup percentages will be used for any newly added CLient Organisations, please contact the Support Team who can enable this for you. 

Client Minimum Charge Fee

If required, you can also set a Minimum Charge fee per cost stage/cost description for a Client Organisation. This means that if the Client estimate for a cost is less than the Minimum Charge fee, the software will set the Client estimate as the Minimum Charge fee instead of the previously calculated fee . If greater, than it will ignore the Minimum Charge fee and charge the original Client Estimate.

N.B. Please contact our Support Team if you wish to enable this function of a Client Minimum Charge.