• Invoices that are higher or lower than the original price quoted to the client will appear in T&I services - > Supplier Payment Tasks - > under Invoices in Error.
  • The client will need to be contacted to verify the amount, or the supplier will need to be advised to edit and re-submit their invoice. (They can do this by logging into Panacea and clicking on Revised Price to be Approved.)
  • If the invoice is correct, click on the entry in the Invoices in Error screen to be taken to the job cost (cost details). 
  • Click Edit supplier invoice under Financial.

  • This will open the Edit invoice screen. click Authorise Overpayment.
  • All authorised invoices pass through to processing where they are processed in batches Interpreting or Translation. The system creates a file and printable versions of the invoices.

All suppliers have unique supplier invoicing codes and have a record of all their previous invoices, which they can print for their personal records.