New Translation & Interpreting orders are picked up from the home page under New requests to be processed and are flagged as follows:

Yellow flags - a supplier has been selected for this booking: accept the request to contact them.

Red flags - there is no available supplier for this service: accept the booking and find an available supplier.

Multiple / recurring requests - will not have a supplier assigned to them and will not be flagged. A supplier will need to be found when all the appointments are created.

  • To pick up a request, in the 'Process Orders' screen click on the entry to go to the 'Order Details' screen. Here, you can review details of the order, including Cost Code information (Account Codes), and redirect, accept or reject it. 
  • To reject the order, click on Reject order and add a reason for the rejection: your client will receive an email informing them of the rejection and the reason for this.
  • To re-direct the order, select an account or team from the drop down list: once the order is re-directed to them, it will disappear from your New requests to be processed screen and it will appear in theirs, so that they can process it. 
  • To accept the order, select a project and click Accept Order. All orders accepted will automatically create a job and will trigger the Booking confirmation email to the supplier selected by the system.
  • Upon accepting the order, you have the option to prevent the Booking Confirmation email to be sent to the supplier selected by the system, in case you want to assign this booking to someone else.
    To do this, check the box called Do NOT email this supplier requesting they accept this booking: you will then need to immediately find another available supplier for this booking within costs > add supplier.
    • This tick box will NOT be available for any 'urgent' orders (depending on the settings in your site): in such cases an Urgent booking request email will have already been sent to the selected supplier. 
    • A History note is recorded (not editable) any time this setting is used: [User Name] prevented the automated email containing booking details from sending to [Supplier organisation] on DD:MM:YYYY.

If the system is unable to find a supplier see: What if the software can't find a supplier? 

If you need to add a new supplier see: Creating a T&I supplier