Add the organisation

    1. Click the Add an organisation button in the top menu bar.

    2. Enter the organisation's name and select the 'Organisation type' Supplier. 

    3. Fill in all of the appropriate details and click next at the bottom of the page.

    4. On the Goods and Services tab, qualify the supplier for the relevant services they provide.

Note- This is only if the supplier is an agency or its ability to provide services for you is not required via a requirement (please contact the Support Team if unsure). If the supplier's ability to provide services for you is part of a Requirement then these will be added automatically.

    5. Click Save.

NB: There is the further option to add comments to an organisation via the 'Comment' tab on the organisations screen. This allows Key Users to record any extra information they require or to add later notes. The comment tab will only appear once the organisation has been created. 

Add the supplier contact

    1. Click the Create New User button.

    2. Select the appropriate permissions for your supplier (usually T&I Supplier), and enter their contact information.

  • You will need to select the Contact Type
  • An email address is required for them to have a log in.
  • Click Add, and then click Manage Login to send them a Create Password email.

Setting up languages and Goods and Services

  1. Go back to the organisation.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3.  Under the General Settings sub-tab there will be the ability to fill out the relevant finance reference (e.g. vendor i.d.).
  4.  Locate the Language Services sub-tab on the left hand side and click the drop-down menu for Make a language available. 
    1. Select a language, tick the relevant services you wish to use and the interpreter, and click Add
  5. In the T&I Settings sub-tab ensure that you tick Auto-Create invoices for this supplier if this is for a freelance supplier (i.e. do not claim VAT - please see this article for setting up an agency organisation
  6. Click Save.

Your supplier is now set up!