
General workflow:

  • First you place an order for a T&I service via the Client Catalogue. (See: How to order T&I services)
  • The T&I team will accept this order.
    NB: If the appointment falls within the Urgent timeframe, then an email will be sent to the supplier to confirm the booking before it gets processed by the T&I team. This email will then NOT appear in the job bag as it was sent out before the job was created.
  • The selected supplier will accept the booking.
  • You will then receive an email with the subject: Interpreter Confirmation for (job no.) - (job title). This contains details of the appointment and a Confirmation Code. You must bring this code with you to the appointment and give it to the supplier (alternatively, if the appointment is telephone interpreting, read the code over the phone to the supplier). The supplier will need this code when they submit their time sheet in order to get paid. If you are not the person who will be attending the appointment, then you must forward the code on to the individual who will be attending.
  • The appointment will take place.
  • After the appointment has taken place the supplier will upload their timesheet including the confirmation code, if the supplier estimated price remains the same the timesheet will be automatically approved.
    •  Attendancecan be approved in two ways: By the supplier inputting the confirmation code. Alternatively, if the supplier does not have the confirmation code, they will click a button which sends a request to you to approve their attendance (the T&I team also have authority to verify attendance). (See: How to verify T&I services)
    •     Costs- The supplier is able to adjust the length of the meeting and input travel expenses. If they do so, these will incur an increased fee to you, which will also need approval in T&I confirmation.
  • Once the cost is approved and an invoice has been generated from the supplier, the job will automatically be completed.
  • The job will be added to the charging batch, you will then be emailed a billing notification with the final revised price (excluding VAT) and a client feedback form. 


General workflow:

  • First you place an order for a T&I service in the Client Catalogue.
  • The T&I team will accept this order. 

NB: If the appointment falls within the Urgent timeframe, then an email will be sent to the supplier to confirm the booking before it gets processed by the T&I team. This email will then NOT appear in the job bag as it was sent out before the job was created.

  • The selected supplier will accept the job. Unlike in interpreting you do not then receive an email at this stage, the supplier will just begin working to complete the translation. In your ordering page your job will now move to the In Progress section.
  • The supplier uploads the final translation document which triggers an email to you.
    • The supplier is able to adjust the number of words. If they do so and this has increased from the original order these will incur an increased fee to you, which will also need approval in T&I confirmation. (See: How to verify T&I services)
  • Once the work is uploaded, the cost is approved and the invoice is uploaded, the job will be added to the charging batch. You will be emailed a billing notification with the final revised price (excluding VAT) and a client feedback form. 

For Workflow for Interpreting books requiring Confirmation Calls click here.