
Booking a single interpreting appointment (including BSL and Registered interpreting)

  • Navigate to Client Interface > Ordering.
  • Select the relevant organisation, or click "Order with my details".
  • Select the required interpreting appointment from the catalogue. 
  • This will take you to a page where you are required to input all the appointment details including the language, length of meeting and address details. 
  • Please note it is optional to specify the gender of the interpreter; if you do not have a preference then leave it on 'Not Specified'. 
  • Once all details are filled-in, click Calculate Price to move onto the next stage. Here, you can review details of the appointment and the provisional price, upload any documents and enter a title for your request. 
  • Click Add to Basket to go to the Checkout screen. 
  • In the Checkout screen, you can Add Another Item, or complete your order. Placing an order will send it through to the project managers. 

Booking an interpreting appointment requiring a confirmation call 

  • Select Booking Requiring Confirmation Call from the catalogue. 
  • Enter the appointment details in the same way as when booking a single interpreting appointment (see above). 
  • On the next page, enter the contact name and number for the confirmation call. 
  • Upload any relevant files and then give the appointment a title. 
  • Click Add to Basket to go to the Checkout screen. 
  • In the Checkout screen, you can Add Another Item, or complete your order. Placing an order will send it through to the project managers. 

Booking a recurring interpreting appointment

  • Select the recurring interpreting appointment option in the client catalogue.
  • Input all the details of the recurring appointment including specifying the recurrence pattern. 
  • You are required to fill in the date and time of the first appointment. The time will be the same for all recurring appointments unless you specify any changes in the instructions/brief field. 
  • Once completed, click Submit, the details will go straight to the project managers. 

Booking a telephone interpreting appointment

  • Select the telephone interpreting option from the catalogue.
  • Please fill in the details of the telephone appointment, including the language, length of meeting, date and time. 
  • Once all details are filled-in, click Calculate Price to move onto the next stage. Here, you can review details of the appointment and the provisional price, upload any documents and enter a title for your request. 
  • Click Add to Basket to go to the Checkout screen.


Ordering a single language translation

  • Select the single translation item from the catalogue. 
  • Select the language, input the number of words of the document which is to be translated and select the delivery deadline for the job.  
  • Click Calculate Price to move onto the next stage. 
  • Here, you can review details of your order and the price, upload your document, specify the delivery address and enter a title for your request.
  • Click Add to basket to move to the Checkout screen, where you can add another item or complete your order. 

Ordering a multiple language translation

  • This option is for translating a single document into multiple languages. 
  • Select the multiple language translation option in the client catalogue
  • Input the number of words of the document which is to be translated and the date it is required by.
  • Select the languages from the drop-down menus. 
  • You can then add a description of the work required and a specification note to the translator.
  • Then upload the file you want to be translated.
  • Give a title for your request and click Submit.  

Ordering a braille transcription

  • Select the Braille transcription item from the catalogue.
  • Input the number of pages and select the delivery deadline for the job.
  • Click Calculate Price, upload the document to be transcribed and give the job a title. 
  • Click Add to basket to move to the Checkout screen, where you can add another item or complete your order. 

Sending the PM a question regarding a booking/appointment

  •  Client Interface > Ordering > In Progress, and select the relevant job.
  • On the top bar above the job, you will see a button labelled Nudge - please click. 
  • Select the Project Manager (under Recipient). Within the Nudge Question field, please type in your query and then click +Nudge.
  • The Project Manager will then be notified that you have asked a question, and will respond accordingly.
  • You can view all your correspondence by selecting Nudge > View from the left-hand menu.