You can manage all your bookings from the Appointments & Jobs screen of your 'T&I Services' menu:

Accept your booking

  • Use the yellow Awaiting Acceptance button to go to the 'Manage Order' screen
  • To accept the job click on the green Accept button. This will change the status of the job to Booking Confirmed (for interpreting) or Translation Job in Progress (for translations).
  • If there are outstanding bookings that require actioning, you will receive a notification: "Bookings require your urgent attention: You are required to submit your payment request for booking [X]" 
    • For Translation bookings (including Braille, Type Setting and Proof Reading), the document uploaded by the client can be found under where it says Documents. Click on the document link to download. 
    • If no document has been uploaded by the client, a message with the contact number of the T&I team will be displayed. Call them to arrange access to the document.

Ask the PM a question

  • If you have any questions regarding the booking, you can send the PM a Nudge.
  • Click into the specific job and press Ask Nudge Question.
  • Type in your query and then press +Add Nudge - the PM will then be notified of your query.
  • When a PM has responded, you will be notified in-app, and can view all correspondence from 'View Nudges' screen under Nudges in the left-hand menu.

Rejecting your booking if you have no availability

  • Click on the yellow Awaiting Acceptance button. 
  • Click on the red Reject button. The T&I team will be notified of your rejection.

If required to make a confirmation call

  • If you have needed to make a confirmation call before the appointment, you can now verify the outcome of this call by sending the PM a Nudge.
  • Click into the specific job and press Ask Nudge Question.
  • Type in the outcome of the call and then press +Add Nudge - the PM will then be notified.
  • The PM will then undertake any further action if needed, and you will be notified when they have recognised your Nudge.
  • You can view all correspondence from 'View Nudges' screen under Nudges in the left-hand menu.

Create calendar entry for booking

In the Appointments & Jobs screen, click on a job to open it.

You will then be able to click Add to your Calendar to create a calendar entry based on the Panacea booking. This can be added to Outlook, Google or other calendar.

(You will also automatically receive an e-mail reminder 24 hours before any upcoming appointments.)

Submitting your translated document and requesting payment

  • Once you have completed the translation, typesetting or proof-reading click on the Translation Job in Progress button on the 'Appointments and Jobs' page
  • Click File Upload and select your translation document. Then click the Translation Completed button. 
  • Confirm the number of words. 
    • Click Recalculate if anything has changed.
  • Click Submit payment request to complete this booking.

Submitting time sheets for interpreting appointments and request payment:

After an interpreting appointment has taken place, the interpreter is required to submit a time sheet with their confirmation code from the client. The interpreter is also able to input any travel expenses they have incurred in relation to the appointment. 


  • Click on Appointments & Jobs and then find the job you would like to submit a time sheet for. 
  • Click on the status button: Input details. This will open up the 'Manage Order' screen for the job.
  • Enter the Confirmation Code (if you did not receive a code, please see the the bottom of this page).
  • Then, confirm the start and end time of the appointment.
  • Enter your travel costs subject to your agreement with your client.
    • Travel expenses (e.g. parking, public transport, etc.).
    • Mileage (only use if you drove to the appointment).
    • Travel time (this field only appears if payable).
  • Click Recalculate if anything has changed.
  • Click Submit payment request to complete your time sheet. If the price is more than the original supplier estimate, this price will have to be approved by the T&I team before the job can be processed for payment.

NB: If the travel expenses field is populated, a file must be uploaded (e.g. travel receipt) to support this claim for extra expenses. 

If you do not have a confirmation code

Please always ask for a confirmation code when you attend an appointment.  If the attendee does not have it with them, they should be able to find it on their emails, as they (or sometimes the person who booked the appointment for them) will have received the code with their Booking Confirmation email.

If you are not given a confirmation code, please click the Client did not provide confirmation code button to submit your time sheet. This will trigger a request to the client to verify your attendance.