Suppliers now have a mobile friendly version T&I portal

Simply login to your Panacea portal via your mobile phone or tablet and click on the View mobile friendly version button.

This feature enables mobile users to:

  • Accept or Reject Appointments
  • Call clients by clicking on the number displayed within the booking/appointment information
  • View Confirmed bookings
  • Check your appointment calendar and see 'Event Details'

NB. Users can switch back and forth between versions by clicking on the mobile or desktop option link at the top of the screen.

By switching to the desktop option (on mobile), users will have access to:

  • The Calendar functionality, where they can mark ad-hoc unavailability (holiday, changeable unavailability)
  • The Non-working Hours screen, where they can mark days of the week (and times) which they are never available
  • Submit Invoices (if applicable)