Whereby meetings


Clients now have the option to book online interpreting appointments that automatically generates a meeting link on Whereby.  Using this option, interpreters will be instantly sent a meeting link without the Client needing to independently generate a session link and password.

You will be notified if your meeting will take place on Whereby by reading your appointment details. To join a Whereby automatic meeting, simply click on the blue highlighted link from either the email confirmation you have received, or access the link through the Appointments and Jobs section of Panacea. 

You may receive a request for a meeting taking place on a platform other than Whereby – please communicate with the Interpreting Team at your Council should you have any questions or queries about external video platforms. 

Important information for all attendees for the Whereby interpreting appointments:

  • There is no need to download any application to join a Whereby room. You can join meetings from most kinds of desktop and mobile devices. 
  • Please do a test-run on whereby to ensure your browser is supported, your internet connection is sufficient, and your sound and video works correctly.
  • For guidance on how to use Whereby or for any technical support needed during the meeting, please refer to Whereby's help page: https://whereby.helpscoutdocs.com/.
  • If for any reason the appointment is modified (e.g. the time is changed), the client and interpreter will receive a new email including the updated meeting details if necessary. The Whereby meeting link will be different so it is important to click on Join meeting from the new email confirmation. However, the confirmation code will remain the same.  
  • If the interpreter is changed, the client and newly selected interpreter will receive a new email including the meeting details. As above, the Whereby meeting link will be different so it is important to click on this link. However, the confirmation code will remain the same.