Selecting Video (Online) Interpreting + Whereby meeting will automatically generate a Whereby meeting link, meaning that the client only needs to place a booking with an interpreter. Once the booking has been accepted by the interpreter, the client will be emailed a link to the Whereby meeting to be joined from the browser.

If the client already has an online meeting set-up, they should select the Online Video Interpreting item from the client catalogue where they will be provided with fields to paste the meeting ID and password in to. 

Important Information for all attendees:

  • There is no need to download any application to join a Whereby room.
  • For guidance on how to use Whereby or for any technical support needed during the meeting, please refer to Whereby's help page:

Complete workflow for booking a Video Interpreting Whereby meeting

  1. Client places order by selecting Video (Online) Interpreting + Whereby meeting from the Client catalogue. On the next page, the appointment details should be filled in and the Calculate Price button clicked. Then, input a title for the request and click Add to basket. Go to the Checkout tab, input a purchase order number (if applicable), read and agree to the terms and conditions and then click ‘Place Order’. 
  2. The Translation and Interpreting team will then process the request.
  3. An email including the meeting details will be sent to the selected interpreter for them to accept or reject. 
  4. Once the interpreter accepts the request, an email including the appointment details and the Whereby meeting link will be sent to the client and interpreter. The client’s email will also include a confirmation code.
  5. Both the interpreter and client should click on this link at the time the appointment is scheduled for. Clicking on this link will open up the Whereby meeting. Note: This link will only activate approximately 1 hour before when the meeting is scheduled. 

        6. At the end of the appointment, the client should read out the confirmation code to the interpreter. 

        7. After the appointment, the interpreter will submit their timesheet as they normally would for an interpreting                     meeting- by going to the Appointments & Jobs page, clicking on the job and inputting the confirmation code. 


To note:

  • If for any reason the appointment is modified (e.g. the time is changed), the client and interpreter will receive a new email including the updated meeting details if necessary. The Whereby meeting link will be different so it is important to click on Join meeting from the new email confirmation. However, the confirmation code will remain the same.  
  • If the interpreter is changed, the client and newly selected interpreter will receive a new email including the meeting details. As above, the Whereby meeting link will be different so it is important to click on this link. However, the confirmation code will remain the same.