Please see below the different types of emails that are sent out from start to finish of a T&I booking. Listed below each email is a summary of all the different circumstances under which this email is sent out. 

Email notifying supplier to log in and accept/reject  a job

Subject: Interpreting Booking - URGENT confirmation required 

Recipient: Supplier 

New Interpreting Request

Please follow the link below to login as soon as possible to accept or reject this appointment.

You have been allocated as the interpreter for the following appointment. In order to confirm this appointment, please login to the order processing system following the link below as soon as possible to either accept the appointment, or to reject it if you cannot attend.

This appointment will be held for you for 24 hours. Please login to accept or decline it within this timescale, otherwise we may have to offer it to an alternative provider.


Appointment details

1.1 - Arabic Test job



Length of meeting


Purpose of Meeting

Test job

Place of Meeting

Test job



Contact on Arrival


Contact Number


Appointment Date


Appointment Time


If you are unable to login to the order processing system please contact us by phone on Site contact number or by email to Site email address.


  • When this booking is accepted on to a job by a key user, this email is sent to the automatically selected supplier (provided that the 'Do NOT email this supplier requesting they accept this booking' box is left unticked).
  • When a key user goes in to the cost description, manually selects a new supplier and updates and closes, the above email will then be sent to the newly selected supplier. 
  • This email is sent again to the supplier if the original booking is modified (e.g. change of date, time, address of meeting place). 
  • This email can be triggered before the request is approved by a key user. This happens when the order is booked less than or within 4 hours notice of the appointment.
  • Another circumstance when this email is sent before a key user approves this job is when the originally selected supplier rejects this job. This triggers the email to be sent to the next randomly selected supplier.

Email notifying supplier their job has been withdrawn/modified

Subject: IMPORTANT: Booking withdrawn or modified 

Recipient: Supplier

IMPORTANT: Booking withdrawn or modified

The booking, detailed below, which was sent to you on: 13/11/2019 has been withdrawn and is no longer valid.

NB: If the booking has been modified (and not cancelled) you will receive a separate email confirming the new details.

Withdrawn Request or Booking

1.1 - Arabic Test job

Length of meeting1:00
Purpose of MeetingTest job
Place of MeetingTest job
Contact on ArrivalTest
Contact Number0
Appointment Date05/12/2019
Appointment Time09:00

  • A supplier will receive this email if a job they have been selected for is withdrawn.  
  • A supplier will receive this email if any detail of a  job they have been selected for is changed, e.g. date, time, address of meeting place, contact on arrival. 

Email sent to supplier with the details of the appointment

Subject: Appointment Details

Recipient: Supplier

Appointment Details

The following interpreting appointment has been confirmed. If you are unable to make this appointment please contact us immediately on 0117 903 6400.

Order details

Length of meeting1:00
Purpose of MeetingTest job
Place of MeetingTest job
Contact on Arrivaltest
Contact Number0
Appointment Date05/12/2019
Appointment Time09:00

If you have any problems you can contact admin by email at Site email address  or click on this link Email Admin. Alternatively you can contact us by phone on Site contact number.

  • When the supplier accepts a booking, the supplier will receive this email provided that a key user has accepted the supplier for this job.

Email sent to client including appointment details and Confirmation Code

Subject: Interpreter Confirmation for (job no.)(job title)

Recipient: Client

Appointment Booking Confirmation

Please find below confirmation of your booking for an interpreter. Please take this confirmation with you to the appointment.

Job number: 1.1

Description: Arabic Test job

Order details

Length of meeting1:00
Purpose of MeetingTest job
Place of MeetingTest job
Contact on ArrivalTest
Contact Number0
Appointment Date05/12/2019
Appointment Time09:00
Interpreter's NameAmanda Salamander
Interpreter's Telephone0750 242 4940

Confirmation Code

Please print this email and take it to the appointment with you in order to provide the interpreter with this Confirmation Code to validate their attendance. By providing the interpreter with this code you are confirming that they have attended the appointment.

The confirmation code for this appointment is: NZH8KAC8UT

If you have any problems or queries, please contact the Interpreting and Translation team by email at Site email address or click on this link Email Admin. Alternatively you can contact us by phone on Site contact number.

Confirmation of Attendance at an Appointment

Please take this sheet to the appointment and give it to the interpreter at the end of the appointment to allow them to validate their attendance.

Dear Interpreter

In order to validate your attendance at this appointment, please complete the following steps:

1. Login to the software at the following address:

2. Select the following appointment on your home page or your calendar screen:

Job number: 1.1 - Arabic Test job

Length of meeting1:00
Purpose of MeetingTest job
Place of MeetingTest job
Contact on ArrivalTest
Contact Number0
Appointment Date05/12/2019
Appointment Time09:00

3. Enter the Confirmation Code

Confirmation code: NZH8KAC8UT

Complete the rest of the form and click "Submit payment request".

If you have any problems or queries, please contact the Translation and Interpreting team by email at Site email address or click on this link Email Admin. Alternatively you can contact us by phone on Site contact number.

Please carefully read our Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy at Site address and contact us with any queries.

Please carefully read our Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy below and contact us with any queries.

  • When the supplier accepts a booking, the client will receive this email provided that a key user has accepted the supplier for this job.

NB: This email is very important since it contains the confirmation code which the client must transfer to the supplier in order for them to submit their timesheet for the appointment. 

Email sent to client to confirm attendance of supplier at the appointment 

Subject: Confirmation of attendance required 

Recipient: Client

Confirmation of Attendance

The following appointment has been flagged as complete by the interpreter , however we need you to confirm the details.

Please login using this link to confirm the details of this appointment.

Supplier timesheet

Start time14:00
End time15:00
Total time (hours:mins)01:00

Original appointment details

1.1 - Arabic Test job

Length of meeting1:00
Purpose of MeetingTest job
Place of MeetingTest job
Contact on ArrivalTest
Contact Number0
Appointment Date05/12/2019
Appointment Time09:00

If you are unable to login to the order processing system please contact us by phone on Site contact number or by email to Site email address.

  • Sent to the client when the supplier clicks the Client did not provide confirmation code button
  • Sent to the client if the supplier changes the length of the meeting or inputs travel expense when submitting their timesheet. 

Email sent to client and supplier to confirm cancellation of appointment

Subject: Cancellation Notice

Recipient: Client and Supplier (in two separate emails)

Cancellation Notice

The following order has been cancelled. This is an automated notification and there is no need to respond to this notice.

Job: 1.1 

Cancellation reason: Cancelled by interpreter - Interpreter sick (This appointment was cancelled by the operator).

Order details

Length of meeting1:00
Purpose of MeetingTest
Place of MeetingTest
Contact on ArrivalTest
Contact NumberTest
Appointment Date05/12/2019
Appointment Time14:00

If you have any questions you can contact admin by email at Site email address or click on this link Email Admin. Alternatively you can contact us by phone on Site contact number.

  • This email is sent to the supplier and client if the appointment is cancelled. The email will contain the reason for the cancellation.