
The way in which work is divided – it could be a particular department, unit or category as determined by the client.

Account code / Budget Code / Cost Code 

The name of a financial code that refers to a budget that is paying for services. On the system this field is editable and is referred to on client sites as budget codes, business units, cost centres, Capital cost code


The user role which has the most permissions, with access to all the projects and jobs on your site. They are able to add and modify projects, jobs and costs and can define the standard settings and configuration for all users.

Artwork Template

Template with fixed fields that allows users to create on brand local printer friendly artwork.

Audience Group

The specific group that is being targeted by the project / campaign. Users can define or set this up to group any types of audience, project objectives.

Available Item / Catalogue item

An orderable item that can be set up to have pre-defined costs, generate artwork or simply a request form with document upload.

Benchmarking Cost 

Cost used as a baseline (determined by historical costs taken from past invoices) to measure cost savings.

Catalogue group

Categories of proeudcts or services determined by key users, under which different kinds of requests / orders are grouped e.g stationery or design

Charging Batch

Set of costs that need to be charged to clients for work done/goods supplied. This is separated into costs related to work done for (a) internal client (b) external clients (c) jobs that cannot be charged (*please refer to Problem jobs).


Refers to an internal client (e.g. housing department) or an external client (e.g. a school within the council). Has restricted access to the client interface of required modules only.

Client Contact

The contact details of any individual user set up on the system (the individual could be working with client, client’s client or with the supplier).

Client department

A department within the organization, e.g. Young people’s services, Corporate resources etc.

Client Estimate

An estimate for particular job made up of the supplier estimate and mark up, if applicable.

Client interface 

The client ordering system from which clients place requests for the order of goods / services or requests for quotes from suppliers. Orders so placed are 'accepted' or 'rejected' by the key users as required.


Can contribute to jobs, schedules, documents, notes. Has restricted access to the Required Modules with no access to add projects, jobs, costs or specifications.

Email Hostname

The domain name after the ‘@’ symbol in an email address. This can be used to allow users to generate their own accounts.

Finance Officer

Has restricted access to specified reports only.

File share user 

Has the ability to access, upload and share files stored on jobs they are allocated to.

Goods receipting

Allows clients to confirm the arrival of goods ordered through Panacea.

Interested Provider

Suppliers invited to participate to a questionnaire through the Supplier Management module in order to qualify to provide products or services.

Invoice Export

Module for exporting costs that need to be paid to your suppliers in a document that can interface with your finance systems.

Invoice number

The number provided by a supplier for an approved job / work done


Refers to a distinct element of work. A job could contain various individual orders under it, that can be viewed in the ‘Costs’ tab of a ‘Job Bag’.

Job bag

A feature that allows you to manage your job from start to finish.

Job ID

A unique number that is allocated to all work on the Panacea system. An order (for any goods/services on the available items catalogue) when approved will be given a unique job reference number or job ID. It is made up of the project number and job number within the project.

Key User

A main user who manages the system, projects and other users on the system


Extra cost added to the base cost that is sent to clients to cover other services (e.g. project management).

Matrix / Price matrix. 

A spreadsheet that contains a supplier's costs for any given product they provide.


A request of work placed by a client through the client interface. You can place a request to re-order a completed order.


Any organisation (internal / external client or supplier) that is set-up on the system.

Participation screen 

Where you can find all the details related to the interest providers' invitation and participation (including the status) to the questionnaires published through the Supplier Management module.

Purchase Order 

Could refer to confirmation sent to supplier to go ahead and process an order OR an approval received from an external client to process an order. Will usually include a Purchase Order Number.


Pre-Qualification Questionnaire – Used to evaluate potential suppliers and qualify them to provide a service.

Preset Calculator

Calculators with pre-defined specifications to order.

Problem Job

A completed job for a client that cannot be charged as it does not meet the specific criteria set up by the client, e.g. the budget cost code is blank.

Production Schedule 

An itinerary comprising of individual tasks and/or milestones to accomplish a particular job. This can either be pre-defined or created anew in Settings - > Schedule Templates, and is fully amendable. You could use the schedule as a tool for project management, by planning/allocating individual tasks to users, updating schedule with current status, and so on. 


A project is made up of a collection of jobs.

Project Manager

The user who has overall responsibility for a particular project (irrespective of the user type defined on the system), he can add projects, jobs, costs and specifications, with no access to configuration options. He has restricted access to use the Required Modules.


Provides a product or service and has restricted access to the supplier interface or T&I Services interface of Required Modules only.

Supplier Estimate

The cost of a job as estimated and provided by the supplier.

Supplier Invoice

Invoice number provided by supplier for an approved job / completed work.

Supplier Organisation

The organisation providing product or services. This can refer also to sole traders.


An individual step or action item in a production schedule that is allocated and actioned by the user (e.g. ‘send artwork to supplier’). Tasks can be amended and updated as required.


Tracker of time spent on a particular job. You can define different rates charged per user. Timesheets can be used to compare cost estimate and actual cost of time spent.

Timesheet user

Has the ability to record time worked on jobs which they have worked on or are linked to their name only.

Calculator Trace

Detailed working of how cost is calculated for each supplier, helps understand why one supplier is chosen over the others or where there are errors in price matrices.


Any person who has a login to the panacea software system.

User Role

The permissions or level of access granted to the user.

User Type

Type of user e.g project manager, client, designer, etc.