Organisations could be external clients, suppliers, media organisations, publications, partnership organisations or any stakeholder organisations as appropriate. 

Add organisations:

  • Organisations can be added by clicking the turquoise +Organisation button at the top of the screen or by clicking Add Organisation on the main Organisation page. These could be media organisations, publications, partnership organisations or any stakeholder organisations as appropriate. 

To view and manage your organisations

  • head to Contacts > Organisations.

  • You can sort the column by organisation name, phone, city, or country or use the search function to find a particular organisation and filter the quantity of organisations you would like displayed on your screen. 

  • You can delete an organisation by pressing the Delete button against the relevant organisation and confirming deletion. 

  • When you click into an organisation, you can view all the information connected to this organisation - this includes:

    • Any enquiries linked to a contact within the organisation.

    • Any contact linked to the organisation.

    • Any notes that have been added against the organisation.

    • Any documents uploaded against the organisation.

    • Any groups the organisation has been added to.