You can view and manage all your Reach contacts by going to Contacts > Contact List 

  • Contacts can be any individual with whom you have contact with (both proactive and reactive).

  • You can sort the column by name, organisation, job title or email, or use the search function to find a particular contact and filter the quantity of contacts you would like displayed on your screen.
  • You can delete a contact by pressing the Delete button against the relevant contact and confirming deletion. 
  • When you click into a contact, you can view all the information connected to this contact on Reach. 

  • You can also see:

    • All enquiries from the contact

    • Any notes that have been added against the contact

    • Any documents uploaded against the contact

    • Any groups the contact is associated with

Add Contacts:

  • Individual contacts can be added by clicking the yellow +Contact at the head of the screen or by clicking the green +Contact button on the Contact List screen.

  • To add a contact, the organisation of the contact must be added first before you add the contact.

  • Panacea Core users and organisations can be made available in Reach. These can be linked to enquiries, added to groups and have notes and documents associated to them. Please contact our support team at to enable this.

  • If this is enabled, you will be unable to delete or edit core contacts on Reach. Any changes to the contact must be made on Core.