You can use the Releases functionality to send out communications to groups/ contacts/ organisations. These communications can be branded or standard emails. Sending out a release will also allow you to track and monitor delivery and click rates.

  • Head to Interactions > Releases to view, manage and edit all your existing releases

  • You will be able to see the name of the release, whether it’s been linked to a category, the status of the release, a schedule date if applicable, the date sent, and the number of contacts the release was sent to

  • You can manage your releases by ID, Release Name, Category, Status, Schedule Date, Date Sent and Number of Contacts it has been sent to.

  • You can also use the search function to search for a release by clicking the Search box and entering in the name of the Release

  • You have the ability to show the amount of releases you want to be displayed on your screen

  • You can view any archived releases by clicking the Show Archived button.

  • By clicking Action, you can:

    • Edit - if the release’s status is set to Draft you will be able to edit the release

    • View Stats/Status - this is where you can track and monitor the stats of your releases

      • How many emails were sent 

      • Of these, how many were delivered 

      • How many were opened 

      • How many were clicked 

      • And in the table below you can see any that were bounced. 

    • View Release 

    • Related Enquiries - a list of any related enquiries

    • Rename

    • Clone Release - in case you need to send an up-dated version, for example, or you may want to base a new release on one which has been particularly successful

    • Delete

    • Archive

Add a Release

  • Add a Release by either:

    • Clicking Add Release from the Releases screen 

    • Click the red +Release button in the top menu 

  • Give your release a name, and choose a branded template if applicable and click Create

  • Specify who the release will be sent to (by Groups, Organisations and Contacts) and click Next

  • Provide a description of the release, and then specify the category, portfolio, Subject, and any tags connected with the release. You can also upload any files, and include who signed off the release. Click Next.

    • When attaching files there is the further option to attach files already uploaded to the related subject. Once a related subject is selected a drop down menu will appear from which you can select which documents you wish to upload.

  • You can now provide the content of the release (the body of the email) with text, images and links to click

  • Assign a subject to your email

  • Before sending a release out, you can send a test email to ensure you are happy with the release

    • Please note you will need to make sure the contact you would like to send the test email to has been selected in the ‘To’ section (by group/organisation/name)

  • You have the ability to customise and style the release as well as any imagery you wish to upload before sending.

  • If you have chose to use a branded template you can also customise this here before sending.

  • At any point when creating a release you can press Save for Later to save the release as a draft so you can come back to it later

  • There are there options to send a release:

    • By selecting Schedule you can select a specific date and time you would like the release to go out,

    • By selecting Safe for Later you can come back to the release at a later point, or

    • By selecting Send, the release will get sent straight away