To Access Reach, click Reach > Dashboard from the menu bar in Panacea Core.

  • If you primarily use Reach and would like this set as your standard homepage rather than Panacea Core, please contact Panacea Support with this request and we can set this as your default home page.

Home page

  • You have access to quick action buttons to enable you to quickly add contacts, Organisations, Groups, Subject, Release, Enquiry.
  • You can view your Events Calendar by clicking the E-Calendar at the top of the page.
  • You can view your Project Calendar by clicking the P-Calendar at the top of the page.
  • Access the global search functionality by clicking the 'Global Search' at the top of the page. 


  • From your Home page / Dashboard you can view real time statistics about enquires and releases.
  • Monitor the incoming enquires to ensure you are meeting your SLA's.
  • View and access current active projects.

If you require assistance or need help with something, please email