Enquiry Types

  • Settings > Enquiries > Enquiry Type

    • What types of enquires you would like set-up?

    • e.g. Email, Telephone, Face-to-Face. (As in, how are these enquiries made)

  • Settings > Subjects> Subject Type

    • Nature of the Subject (Briefing, Onboarding etc)


Is there more than one team / overarching group using Reach?

  • Settings > Other> Portfolio 

Enquiries SLA

  • Settings > Enquiries > Enquiry SLA

  • The SLA's to determine the enquiry deadline

    • This is currently set a 48 hour turn around time but can be changed to specify the hours you would like (48, 24 etc) or you can set a deadline time. E.g. if a request came through at 5:30pm you would have until 5:30pm the next day to respond.

    • Only one of these options can be used.

Contact Type

  • Settings > Contacts > Contact Type

  • Contact Type: i.e. to help filter out the different contacts on Reach.

    • E.g. Reach Admin/ Internal Client /  External Client / Charity Group / Other Council client etc.

Response Type and Outcome

  • Settings > Enquiries > Response Method

  • Response Types (i.e. how did you respond)?

    • E.g. Email, Letter, Phone

  • Settings > Enquiries > Response Outcome

  • Response Outcome (i.e. what was the outcome of the enquiry)

    • E.g. Declined, Expired, Information Provided, Accepted/Booked

Release Category

  • Settings > Release > Release Category

    • Types of releases: sales, client communications, onboarding, supplier communications, press