• Within Contacts > Deactivated Contacts , you can see all those emails which the recipients’ email server has confirmed as Undeliverable or from recipients who have unsubscribed from your releases.

  • Reach does not delete these contacts, it deactivates them so to reduce the number of bounce-backs, and allows you to manage them.  

  • You can re-activate a contact.

    • E.g. the recipient may be on long-term leave (e.g. maternity leave) or secondment, and the server may reject the email as their mail box is full, in which case you may want to reactivate the contact when they return.  Or the contact has received a release email and wishes to unsubscribe from further releases that are sent.

  • You can Update their details if, for example, you can see that the bounce-back is due to a typo in their email address.

  • Or you may want to delete them, if you know the contact has moved on.