N.B. For Sourcing/eProcurement sites with Self Supplier Registration enabled. Please refer to the announcement on your site which will state if the site has Self Supplier Registration enabled.

Adding new users to your supplier organisation

Suppliers configured for sourcing or tendering on Panacea Software can manually invite colleagues to set up an account. Once successfully approved, invited users will appear on the software as a contact of the organisation of the person who invited them, with the same permissions and access rights. This helps to ensure that users do not create duplicate organisations on the site, and will improve your efficiency as a supplier by allowing you to easily increase your organisation’s use of Panacea’s services.

N.B. This functionality is only available on sites that manage their Sourcing/Procurement activity on the portal. 


You can invite new users to your organisation through your Panacea Supplier interface.

  • When you are logged onto Panacea Software, use the sidebar to go to Participate > Company Details
  • On the page that now appears, click on the “Contacts” tab. Here you will see a list of the contacts belonging to your organisation who are already registered on the site, as well as a number of buttons on the top right above the list. 
  • Click the button which says “Invite” on it. 
    • A pop-up will appear for you to provide the email address of the colleague you want to invite. 
    • To invite more than one colleague, click “Add” and fill in their details in the spaces provided. 
  • When you are happy that you have correctly filled in all the relevant details, click the “Invite” button in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up. This will send an email to your colleague(s), informing them of the invite and providing a link for them to finish setting up their account. 
  • Pending invites will now appear at the bottom of your contacts tab, with the option to “Reinvite” individual suppliers. Clicking this button will send invitees another email with a link to set up their account.