N.B. For Sourcing/eProcurement sites with Self Supplier Registration enabled. Please refer to the announcement on your site which will state if the site has Self Supplier Registration enabled.

Supplier organisations will be self-managing user account requests connected to their accounts, and will be able to invite colleagues to their organisation.

Key Users that have the appropriate permission will oversee managing user accounts for the following scenerios:

  • If they have selected themselves as a client organisation (if they are in-fact meant to be a supplier organisation, you can change the Organisation type to supplier & contact user role to Interested Provider).
  • If the supplier user account request matches multiple organisations - so the software can't best place them.
    • If the request made is for a Supplier Organisation that means the software has picked up the account request as potentially belonging to more than 1 organisation. When you click to proceed with the account request the software will display the information provided by the user, and you will be able to see the duplicate organisations on the right hand side for you to determine which (if any) of the organisations the account request should belong to.

For the above scenerios, the Key Users will receive a notification to let them know there are pending user accounts. 

N.B. If you do not wish for users to request client accounts on the portal, please contact support@panacea-software.com to switch this off.

This can also be found by heading to Contacts > Account Requests.

  • Key Users will also be able to see a history of the above user account Requests.
  • To process the above user account requests, please see here for more information.

From the same screen, Key Users can also oversee and action (if needed) when suppliers have registered new accounts that have been matched to an existing organisation. Under the header 'Pending Supplier Account Requests', a Key User can:

  • Approve - this will accept the user account request to the organisation shown, and send a new password link to the user.
  • Reject  - this will reject the user account request, and send an email to the requester informing them the request has been rejected.
  • Notify Primary User - this will trigger an email to the primary contact at the supplier organisation to remind them they have a new user account request to action

More information on how suppliers on what suppliers can do can be found below:

More information on dealing with locked accounts can be found here.