All new orders from clients are picked up from the New requests to be processed section of the home page. This table will display any pending orders or requests for accounts you are responsible for. Subject to your user permissions, you may have the option of viewing pending requests for other accounts.

  • Click on the description of an item to see the request details, including Cost Code information (Account Codes).
  • The screen will display the original request submitted by your client. Depending on the set up of your catalogue, this screen might also display the Specification Note, which is additional information about the item, and / or a Note field populated by the client. These details can be viewed again in the Cost Details of the Job, once the request has been accepted.
  • Subject to your user permissions, you may have the option to re-direct the order on to a different account. If you do it, the request will appear in the New requests to be processed screen of the user(s) in charge of processing requests for such account.

  • Alternatively, you can either accept or reject an order. For example, if the order is a duplicate of one which is already in progress you may want to reject it. Clicking Reject will open a box where you must enter your reason for the rejection. This will trigger an email to the ordering client who will be notified immediately that the order has been rejected and why.

    To accept the order, first select a project for it in the drop-down menu. A project is a type of folder to help group work on the software. 

  • Clicking Accept will automatically create a Job bag and a unique job number for this request, including a number of tabs.