Multiple requests, such as recurring interpreting appointments or multi-language translations, will be flagged in red in the New requests to be processed screen. This is because a supplier cannot automatically be selected for such requests.

Once such requests are approved onto a job, a single cost will automatically be created in the Cost tab: you will need to add new costs for each of the bookings required:

  • Click on View Order on the Main Details tab of the job bag, to access the original multiple bookings.
  • Go to the Cost tab: the recurring interpreting appointments / multiple language translations will need to be created individually. 
  • To create them, select Copy against the original cost. This will open up the New Cost Details screen. 
  • Select the Standard calculator (e.g. Interpreting or Translation).
  • Update each cost with the appropriate instructions for each booking.
  • Click Calculate to bring up a list of suppliers and their prices. 
  • Select your supplier - > tick Approved - > click Add and Close at the bottom of the page. 
  • Repeat this process for each of the recurring interpreting appointments / multiple language translations.
  • Each time a supplier is added to a cost, they will receive an email notification for the appointment / translation job.
  • Finally, delete the original cost from the Cost tab (the one at the top with a red flag next to it).