Multi-language translations, will be flagged in red in the New requests to be processed screen. This is because a supplier cannot automatically be selected for such requests.

Once such requests are approved onto a job, a single cost will automatically be created in the Cost tab (the Multiple Booking Form cost): you will need to add new costs for each of the bookings required:

  1. Accept the multiple language translation request on to a project.
  2. Go to the Main Details tab and clickThis will open a new tab showing the Order Details.
  3. Split the two tabs across one screen so that you have a view of the Order Details and a view of the Costs tab. 
  4. For each language ordered, you will need to add an individual cost to the job bag. To do this, select the add cost icon at the top of the right-side page: 
  5. Select the following cost details:
  6. Then select the language, number of words and date required by (use the Order Details page to get the required information). 
  7. Click Calculate, then select the Supplier. 
  8. Tick Approved and then click Add and Close
  9. Copy the new cost by clicking the Copy button on the right-hand side of the page on the Costs tab.
  10. Change the language to the next requested language (refer to Order Details page). 
  11. Repeat steps 7 & 8.
  12. Continue to repeats steps 9-11 until all the ordered languages have been added.
  13. Finally, delete the original multiple booking form cost from the cost tab (the one at the top with a red flag next to it).
    1. N.B. Please ensure you delete the original multiple booking form cost before all the suppliers submit their timesheets. 
    2. If you delete the cost after all the suppliers have submitted their timesheet(s), you will need to manually tick the job as completed.