The Project List screen shows you a complete list of Projects on the Software at a high level. From this screen, you can also navigate to a specific project to see further information.

View of All Projects

Head to Project Management > Project List. From here, you can then filter your view of Projects by:

  • My/All
    • My = Projects that you're named against - default view
    • All = All Projects on the system
  • Active/Completed
    • Active = Projects that are live -  default view 
    • Completed = Projects that have been marked as completed
  • Organisations - filter by specific organisations assigned to a project
  • Search - you can search by keywords in a Projects title

Based on your filter, you can see the following (some fields may require you to select from the 'Column' picker):

  • Number# = Project Number
  • Title = Project Title
  • Organisation
  • Project Manager 
  • Total Approved = Total of all approved costs in jobs within that project
  • Total Unapproved = Total of all unapproved costs in jobs within that project
  • Approved Over/Under* = Total of all approved over/under costs in jobs within that project
  • Unapproved Over/Under* = Total of all unapproved over/under costs in jobs within that project
  • Jobs
  • Account
  • Completed

At the bottom of the table, you will be able to see the grand total of Total Approved, Total Unapproved, Approved Over/Under*, and Unapproved Over/Under* for all filtered Projects.

You can then export this view in an Excel or PDF layout (note the Grand total will not show)

*Over/Under will only appear if you have costs set-up to make use of this feature. Please contact the Support team if you would like to utilise this functionality. 

View within a specific Project:

If you click into a project, you can then view more information about that project - this includes all the jobs listed within it and a breakdown of cost totals specific to that project.

Within the 'Jobs in Projects' section, you can use the search bar to find a job by name/job number/ filter the list. 

You can then see the following against each job that falls under that specific project:

  • Number# = Job Number
  • Title = Job name/title
  • Total Approved = Total of all approved costs in that specific job
  • Total Unapproved = Total of all unapproved costs in jobs n that specific job 
  • Approved Over/Under* = Total of all approved over/under costs n that specific job 
  • Unapproved Over/Under* = Total of all unapproved over/under costs n that specific job in jobs within that project
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Client Organisation
  • Project Manager
  • Status: Live/Completed/Cancelled/ Tentative

At the bottom of the table, you will be able to see the grand total of Total Approved, Total Unapproved, Approved Over/Under, and Unapproved Over/Under for all filtered Jobs.

You can then export this view in an Excel or PDF layout (note the Grand total will not show).

*Over/Under will only appear if you have costs set-up to make use of this feature. Please contact the Support team if you would like to utilise this functionality.

See here for information on how to add/close/complete Projects.