The Job Bag manages and keeps track of everything. It records dates, activities, projected and actual expenditure and chargeable time. It creates estimates, purchase orders and other correspondence, helping you to keep track of your work from start to finish. 

  • You will find this located under your job title with the tabs: Main Details; Schedule; Costs; Documents; Specification; Timesheet; Notes; Emails; Feedback. 

Main Details

  • This tab is where the main information regarding the project can be found.
  • You can add and edit which users are involved in the job – some of these fields are populated automatically.
  • You have the ability to view who placed the order, and the option to allow them to view the job in the job list screen.
  • Additionally, you can edit the 'Delivery' details on a job, even once they have been inputted, via this tab.
  • At the base of this page you will find the 'Job State Settings'. Here you can can use the checkboxes to set the status to:

                ✅ Completed (semi-automated)

                ✅ Tentative

                ✅ Charged/invoiced (automated)

                ✅ Do not charge this job

                ✅ Cancelled

 For detailed information on how the 'Completed' checkbox affects jobs, please see this help guide.

  • Tentative: If a job is set to 'Tentative', you will not be able to approve costs in the 'Costs' tab. This means that you can send provisional enquiries for work, but cannot send purchase orders.
  • Charged/Invoiced: If all suppliers in the job have been paid (invoices batched) and all clients have been charged (charges batched), then the system will automatically tick this box. This means that the job has been included in both the charging and invoicing batches which are sent directly to your Finance team for processing. The system will tell you which charging batch the job has been included in (you can view invoice batch information opening individual costs).
  • Do not charge this job: This cancels the finance workflow so that the job is not included in the batching process. This means the client listed on this job will not be charged.
  • Cancelled: Cancels a job.


  • This tab is used to plan and manage of all your work. 
  • Use pre-defined templates, create schedule templates or create unique timetables from scratch and assign each part of a project to a supplier, colleague or client. 
  • The progress and status of each job is tracked and easy to view. Task lists are updated as work progresses and are listed in order of priority.
  • You have the ability to view the order you have placed and the option to views jobs in the job list screen.


  • This is where all of the costs and estimates associated with a particular job are recorded and displayed with a brief description, supplier information and current status.
  • Project Managers with timesheet access will also see a Costs from timesheets section, which displays 'Mark Up' and 'Total Cost' for each of the work types used on the job (you can see a list of the timesheet entries and related work type in the timesheet tab, as explained below).


  • This tab provides a complete archive of all documents and files provided by clients and suppliers with the order enquiry and approvals, as well as documents generated by the software. 
  • You can upload proofs, artwork, images or correspondence to the job archive using the Browse function on this tab. 
  • Send documents by clicking Create Email or Document actions for each file.
  • You can also Pin Nudges to any folder within the 'Documents' tab, e.g. Client Estimate Approval.
  • Move or delete files in bulk: select the relevant files and use the buttons at the bottom of the list.
  • Download all files into a zip folder.
  • Share files with clients through the client interface by clicking the Excluded button in the 'Visible to client' column which will change the status to included.
  • Files with status Included will be visible to the Client.
  • Clients can upload additional documents using the File Upload link on the 'In Progress' tab on the Client Interface.


  • Any specifications of approved, proposed or estimated costs are shown in the Specifications tab. Approved costs are highlighted, and cannot be changed.  You can modify, approve or delete any specifications that have not been approved.
  • You can also approve all unapproved costs at once via this tab by clicking the "Approve All" button at the top of the screen.
  • If you need to change the specifications of an approved cost, you must first click on the description of that cost in the cost screen, uncheck the Approved box at the bottom of the screen and click the Update button. 


  • This tab is used to track the time spent on a job. 
  • Timesheets can be used to produce reports for analysis, and can be found in the left-hand menu under Reports.


  • This tab stores all of the notes and conversations associated with a particular job. 
  • To add a note or conversation to a job, click on the Add a Note icon in the top menu bar.
  • The number of notes added onto a job is indicted by a number displayed on the Notes tab. 


  • This tab stores all Nudges that have been sent in relation to the specific job.


  • You have an easy and effective way of gathering your clients’ views about your service. 
  • A form can be automatically emailed to each client when a job is completed, or you can send them at a time that suits you. This tab allows a read-only view of the client feedback on this job.  
  • Data collected through this form is used to generate the performance reports.