For Project P2P, the Cost Lists screen allows users to see all costs in one screen. This can be found under Project Management > Costs List

You can customise what you wish to see on the screen using the Column Picker. You can also export download a Print-friendly copy, or export into Excel/PDF.

Table Headers

  • Cost ID

  • Title

    • The Cost Title. The hyperlink will open up the Cost Details screen of the selected Cost

  • Stage

  • Parent/Child

  • Timesheet

  • Cost Description

  • Supplier Estimate

    • exc. VAT

  • Mark-up

  • Client Estimate

    • exc. VAT

  • Balance

    • If a Parent Cost or Timesheet cost

  • Merged Estimate

    • If a Parent Cost

  • Job

    • The hyperlink will open up the Job.

  • Project

    • The hyperlink will open up the Project.

  • Client

  • Client Type

  • Client Department

  • Client Section

  • Client Contact

  • Account

  • Job Status

  • Job Project Manager

  • PO Date

  • PO Required By

  • PO Number

  • Order Line Number

  • PO Accepted

  • Delivered

  • Receipt Confirmed

  • Invoice Number

  • Invoice Date

  • Supplier Invoice ex. VAT

  • Supplier VAT Code

  • Supplier Invoice inc. VAT

Grand Totals can be found at the bottom of the screen

Columns and Filters

  • Attribute

    • All (default) / Parent or Child/ Timesheet / Over & Under Spend/ Calendar/ Online Meeting

  • Supplier

    • Sort and filter by suppliers or all

  • Supplier Type

    • Internal / External (default)

  • Cost Status

    • Approved costs (Default) / Unapproved costs / Order Sent / Awaiting Delivery Confirmation / Awaiting Receipt Confirmation / Invoice Submitted / Paid / All

  • Budget Code

    • Filter by specific Budget Code

  • Project Number

  • Job Number

  • PO Number

  • Client Organisation

  • Client Type

    • Internal / External

  • Client Department

    • Filter by Department (if Client Organisation is set)

  • Client Section

    • Filter by Section (if Client Organisation is set)

  • Client Contact

  • Cost ID

    • Search by Cost ID

  • Account

    • Sort and filter by these costs on Jobs in Projects with selected Account(s)

  • Job Status

    • Live / Completed / Completed and Charged / Completed and Uncharged / Cancelled / Deleted / Tentative

  • Job Project Manager