Bulk completing/cancelling jobs will enable user's to either complete or cancel jobs without the need to preform the task separately for each individual job. 

To access the Bulk complete/ Bulk cancel option head over to Project Management > Job Lists.

  • Once here click on the Job’s cost(s) status drop down menu and select a job cost status.
    • Only unapproved costs.
    • No costs.
    • Delivery confirmed for all approved costs.
    • Receipt confirmed for all approved costs.
    • One or more approved Cost(s).
  • Once you have selected the appropriate job status the list of jobs associated to that status will be displayed.
    • If there are no jobs associated to the job cost status you have chosen you will receive a message stating There are no jobs to display.
  • Click on the Bulk Complete button. 
  • You will now be able to select a completed option based on your chosen job costs.
    • Completed - Not Charged (Select this if you would like to charge or invoice your clients for these).
    • Completed - Do Not Charge (Select this if you have not charged for these jobs and do not intend to do so). 
    • Completed - Charged (Select this if you have charged for these jobs outside Panacea Software, so they should not be charged again).
  • NB - If you are selecting bulk cancel you do not need to choose one of the completed options.

  • Once you have selected an option you can either individually select the required jobs or select the Check All this will select all jobs.
  • Now you have the option to either Bulk Complete or Bulk Cancel the chosen jobs.
  • Once you have clicked the required option you will be greeted with a pop up message that will contain information relating to your chosen option. This it to remind and confirm that you are happy to proceed with completing this action.
  • Once you have read the information click OK to proceed with this or Cancel to stop the request occurring.
  • Once you have finished click Return to Job List and you will be taken back to the previous screen.