Reports > Time and Cost Analysis


What does this Report do/show?

This report shows an analysis of all jobs for which a Budget Code from the selected charging year has been allocated.

It is broken down into client organisations and includes the following:

  • Active jobs - Client estimate – the value of unapproved and approved client estimates on active jobs
  • Active jobs - Third party fees – the value of supplier fees and mark-ups on active jobs
  • Active jobs - Time worked (with mark-up) – hourly rate + mark-up of work in progress on active jobs with chargeable/retainer/free-of-charge budget codes.
  • Completed jobs - Charging status & value (action required before charging) – value of jobs with chargeable/retainer/free-of-charge budget codes where client estimate has been approved but action is required before charging.
  • Completed jobs - Charging status & value (ready to charge) – value of jobs with chargeable/retainer/free-of-charge budget codes where client estimate has been approved and it is ready to be charged.
  • Completed jobs - Charging status & value (charged or in charging batch) – value of jobs with chargeable/retainer/free-of-charge budget codes where it has already been charged.
  • Completed jobs - Third party fees – the value of supplier fees/mark-up/total on completed jobs
  • Completed jobs - Time worked (with mark-up) – hourly rate + mark-up of work in progress on active jobs with chargeable/retainer/free-of-charge budget codes.
  • Completed jobs - Cost of time worked (without mark-up) – hourly rate for completed jobs with the following cost stages – Creative services, miscellaneous and not chargeable



You may filter by the following options for a more specific report.

  • Charging year
  • Client organisation
  • Report level
    • Summary – the summary report is grouped by supplier.
    • Detailed – this report is broken down into individual costs by each supplier, and includes the job number and job title for each.