To view your Live/Qualified/Disqualified suppliers for a requirement, go to the "Suppliers" tab in the Requirement.

  • After qualifying a supplier, you are taken back to the Requirement - head to the "Suppliers" tab.
  • If you have set up lots/categories for a supplier, you can view what they are qualified for by clicking Categories.
    • You can update the lots/categories a supplier is qualified for at any point - this is also recorded in the audit log
  •  Against the supplier you can also click Questionnaires to view:
    • The answers they have provided for a questionnaire(s).
    • The qualification result(s).
    • Any evaluation notes added by administrators relevant to the questionnaire. 

From within a Requirement, you can filter your list of suppliers by name/categories/lots.

Within the "Suppliers" tab use the search bar to filter your list of suppliers.

You can search by:

  • Name of the supplier organisation.
  • Name of categories (as set-up within the "Categories" tab).
    • For example; Lot 6, Digital Services etc. 
  • When searching by categories/lots, it will only show you those suppliers with those lots/categories saved against them.

You can also download a spreadsheet/pdf of your suppliers either filtered by your search or unfiltered. 

This report will show you:

  • Supplier Name.
  • Status of the Supplier in the Requirement.
    • Live/Qualified/Disqualified.
  • Reference. 
  • All Categories/Lots that have been saved against them.
    • If you have filtered by Lot 6, the report will only pull of those Lot 6 suppliers, but it will also show you any other lots/categories listed against them.

Quotation marks will have an effect on the suppliers listed on the screen and hence the suppliers exported through either Excel or PDF. 

  • Searching Lot 6 without any quotation marks will bring up any supplier with Lot 6 listed against them regardless of any other categories they may also have listed against them. 
  • By searching with quotation marks at either side of the complete main phrase such as "Lot 6 Digital Services " will bring up a list of suppliers that have Lot 6 against them but no other categories listed against them.
    • There must be a space between the phrase and the second quotation mark for this to work. 
  • By searching using quotation marks but not the complete main phrase such "Lot 6" or "Lot 6 " (The space before the second quotation mark will not effect this search) a full list of suppliers with Lot 6 listed against them will appear such as with the first example. 

Alternatively, if you set up Lots/Categories tied to a Goods and Services, you can also view a complete list of users qualified for these services by: 

  • Navigate to Supplier Management > Suppliers.
    • Here, you can filter the suppliers by the Cost Stage(s) and Cost Descriptions(s) for which they are qualified. 
      • The Download button allows you to download a spreadsheet consisting of the list of suppliers according to the selected filters. 
      • Click the Review Answers button for the qualified supplier who you wish to review. Here you can review all of the supplier’s current qualifications.
      • Click the None box if you want to disqualify the supplier from providing any services to your organisation.
      • Clicking the View History button will display details of all changes and qualifications to date.