The 'Suppliers' tab on a Requirement stores your qualified/disqualified/live suppliers for each Requirement. 

From here you can: 

  • Manually qualify a Supplier (see below for further information)
  • Import Suppliers (see here for more information)
  • See the supplier's status
  • Set your 'Lead' Supplier
  • Provide a reference for the supplier - optional, and at each sites discretion
  • See the the results of Tender Questionnaire exercises (by clicking 'Questionnaires')
    • View Results = Shows Qualification decision of a Tender Questionnaire / View Response = See Answers provided in Tender Questionnaire
  • See and set the Categories/Lots the Supplier is awarded (by clicking 'Categories')
  • If applicable, track the Spend set-up against the Supplier
  • Download a list of the suppliers held against the Requirement

Populating/Qualifying/Making Live through a Tender Questionnaire

If you are conducting a procurement exercise on the software using a Tender Questionnaire, the Suppliers will be automatically populated on the 'Suppliers' tab once you have qualified/disqualified the supplier. See here for more information when qualifying/awarding a supplier via a Tender Questionnaire.

Manually Qualifying a Supplier / Direct Award

If you are issuing a Direct Award/ maintaining a Contracts Register/ Manually qualifying suppliers not through a Tender Questionnaire, you can manually populate the Supplier list. See here for more information. 

Expiring Documents

See here for information on the Document Expiry workflow.