You can allow suppliers to have the ability to send you Nudges via a Requirement. This is useful for if suppliers have questions after a questionnaire has closed.

There are two options for when a supplier can send a Nudge via a Requirement:

Suppliers that have submitted a response to a questionnaire can send a Nudge once the questionnaire has closed

  • Any supplier that has submitted a response to the questionnaire will be able to send a Nudge via the requirement once the questionnaire has closed
  • This is automatically enabled by default once a questionnaires submission deadline has passed
  • This can be turned on/off in the RFX tab of the requirement by clicking the speech bubble icon next to the relevant questionnaire 
  • This icon is green when enabled, and red when disabled
  • This will be automatically disabled when the requirements stage is set to Cancelled, Closed or Expired

Suppliers that are listed in the Suppliers tab of the Requirement

  • Any supplier that is listed in the Suppliers tab of the requirement, including if they've been added manually, will be able to send a Nudge via the requirement
  • This is automatically disabled by default
  • This can be turned on/off in the Suppliers tab of the requirement by clicking the speech bubble icon in the upper right corner next to “Suppliers can nudge?”
  • The icon is green when enabled, and red when disabled

Who receives supplier Nudges?

Nudges sent by suppliers will be notified to the user set as the Supplier Contact in the People tab of your requirement

  • The Supplier Contact can only be set for Procurement and Contract Managers belonging to the Main Organisation

  • Click on the speech bubble icon next to a Procurement or Contract Manager user in the Peoples tab to assign them as the Supplier Contact

    • The icon will be green for the user assigned as the Supplier Contact

    • The user that created the requirement will be automatically be set as the Supplier Contact if they belong to the Main Organisation

    • Only one user can be set as the Supplier Contact

Any user set as Responsible for Clarification Q&A's in the People tab can view and respond to supplier Nudges in the Nudges tab of the requirement, but only the Supplier Contact will be notified