In a Requirement, users with relevant permissions can import suppliers directly into the Requirement (including those not already on the software). The software identifies whether an organisation exists based on a contact already existing with the email address specified. 

If the email address is not currently used, it will be treated as an Unregistered supplier. Once a user requests an account with that email address and creates their password, the software will sync up the unregistered organisation with the organisation of that new user.

How to: Import Suppliers

  • Navigate to the ‘Suppliers’ tab of the Requirement and click Import Suppliers 
  • Here a pop-up modal will appear where the user can
    • Click Download spreadsheet template to download the template for importing suppliers. The User will be asked to provide
      • Organisation Name
      • Email address (this is used to match against any existing contacts to sync up the organisation OR when a user creates a new account with this email address)
      • Reference (optional)
    • Select any Categories that the suppliers should be qualified against
    • Once spreadsheet is completed, click Upload Spreadsheet. The software will check that the information provided can be uploaded.
    • If the uploaded spreadsheet is correct, Import can be selected to upload the suppliers against the Requirement
    • If the uploaded spreadsheet is not correct (data is not filled in or the email address is in the incorrect format), you will not be able to click the Import button to upload your spreadsheet.
  • The suppliers imported will then show in the Requirement
  • If Categories have been selected for the supplier that already exists on the software, you will be able to click Go Live to make them live against those categories.
  • The 'Audit' tab will record any suppliers imported (including Unregistered suppliers)

If an email address provided matches a contact already on the software, then the record will pull through that organisation connected with that contacts email address

If an email address provided does NOT match a contact already on the software, then this supplier will be considered ‘unregistered’ - an icon against this organisation will be displayed

  • See below for further information on these ‘Unregistered Suppliers’.

Unregistered Suppliers

'Unregistered Suppliers' are suppliers that do not have accounts on the Software. However they can be recorded against Requirements for audit purposes / and to allow you to invite them to participate in a Questionnaire. This is particularly useful when conducting Tender activities using an External Framework (etc) where you can invite a list of pre-qualified suppliers that may never have registered on your own portal. 

  • See here on how to Invite Unregistered Suppliers to an Invite Only Tender Questionnaire
  • See here  on how to Invite Unregistered Suppliers to an Invite Only Research Questionnaire

If a user successfully creates an account on the software after the import, in which their email address matches the email address held against the unregistered supplier, the software will then update their record on the ‘Suppliers’ tab of the requirement

  • It will change the organisation record to the Organisation belong to the user with the matching email address and will record this in the 'Audit' tab of the relevant Requirement(s)
  • It will only match and update the record once the user with the matching email address has created a password to access the site.