You can invite Unregistered Suppliers to participate in a Tender Questionnaire (i.e. if you are doing a Call-off Tender from an external framework etc).

N.B. Unregistered Suppliers are 'suppliers' that do not have an account on the software. They are imported onto the software in order to allow you to add a list of suppliers from an external system for a Requirement (e.g. your own Call Off from an External Framework), and so be able to invite them to a Tender/Research Questionnaire when suitable. 

Import Unregistered Suppliers to the Requirement

First, ensure that the Unregistered Suppliers have been imported on the Requirement. Please see here for more information on how to do this. 

Attach them to an 'Invite Only' Tender Questionnaire

  • Create Tender Questionnaire as normal and make sure to select Invite Only
  • Unregistered suppliers will appear under “All” and “Qualified” with a clearly defined label
  • Publish as normal!

  • When you notify the supplier(s) via email that they have been invited to participate in a Tender Questionnaire, the email to ‘Unregistered Suppliers’ will always have wording letting them know they in order to participate they must first register an account using the email address that has been set-up with the unregistered supplier account
  • They will then create an account on the software - they must use the email address that has been created as the ‘Unregistered Supplier’ in order for the software to link
  • Once they have created their password (whether through Supplier Self Service or by Key user accepting), the software will update the record and replace the ‘Unregistered Supplier’ as a Supplier held on the software
  • This is stored in the Audit Log
  • Once they have a login, they will see the Questionnaire in both their supplier view of requirements (as they will be listed suppliers against that Requirement) > RFX tab