If you select Invitation, only selected users will have access to the Questionnaire:

  • Once the questionnaire has been created, navigate to Sourcing > Requirements and select the "RFX" tab.
  • Click "+ Add RFX" on the right, and select "Research". 
  • Click "New version".
  • Use the Invitations tab to select Users to invite to the questionnaire. (You may invite Users before or after the questionnaire is published).
  • You must select which 'Invitation Group' these Users fall into, which will be one of the following; Suppliers, Customers, People
N.B: Use the Invitation > Suppliers option when wanting to invite your Unregistered Suppliers (if set-up/applicable). See here for more information on inviting your Unregistered Suppliers.
  • You will then choose from a drop-down list Users you wish to invite - N.B. if these Users are not yet already linked to the Requirement, tick 'Show All' to view all Users to add. 
  • Invitation notifications will only be sent to suppliers once the Questionnaire has gone live (these are sent out by the system at 6AM once you have made the questionnaire live and notified Users).
  • Click on the red icon on the right to uninvite a supplier. (This can be done if a supplier has not yet started participation)