Please see here for more information on creating & publishing Research Questionnaires.

When applicable, nominated 'reviewers' against Research Questionnaires can go in and review submission responses (they will also get a notification to let them know when there are Research responses to review).

Review submissions

User's are able to view responses to Research Questionnaire's in much the same way as tender questionnaire's. This is done through the 'Evaluate and Review' screen under Supplier Management.

There are two tabs within the page, one for Research and one for Tender. Head to the 'Research' tab.

  • Head to the relevant response and click Review. 
  • Add any relevant comments and click Submit Review.
  • Click Reviewed to see the submission and your comments

N.B. A high-level user, e.g. Procurement or Contract Manager on a requirement, that has the ability to Qualify Tender responses, will also be able to view all comments made by reviewers. Reviewers that are your typical evaluators will only be able to see their own comments.

High-level users only (Procurement & Contract Managers)

Research Report:

You can download a spreadsheet containing all responses to any Research Questionnaire. This report will ultimately appear when there is at least one response to the Research Questionnaire. 

  • Click on the research request in the RFX tab of the requirement
  • At the bottom left of the page, click "Download Report" (a report can also be found by clicking on the file icon next to the questionnaire)

This report lists all responses and includes (for each) the company name, the date/time submitted and all answers provided by the participant.

Research Findings:

You can also view Research Findings by clicking on the Stats icon (appears as a graph icon) next to the Research Questionnaire (also found in the RFX tab). This will display graphically the stats for a variety of questions and answers.   

You will be able to view vertical/horizontal bar graphs presenting findings for check box, radio button and drop-down list questions. These bar graphs are able to be downloaded and viewed.