Key users are able to delete documents that have been submitted by supplier(s) when responding to a questionnaire. This ensures that documents are not retained for longer than needed and compliance is kept.

To access Delete Documents head to Supplier Management from the left-hand side menu and click Delete Documents.

Once here you will be able to see a list of documents that you can delete. You can sort the documents by

  • File Name
  • Publication Name
  • Supplier
  • Questionnaire
  • File Size
  • Upload date
  • Expiry
  • Status
  • To do this click on the column name you would like to sort by and the software will automatically sort the documents based on your request

You also have the options to filter out documents by Supplier and Questionnaire, you can choose both filtering options or just one.

  • To do this Click either Supplier/ Questionnaire and select the desired option(s) from the drop down.
  •  Once, you have selected your option(s) from the drop-down menu the software will automatically filter out the results based on the filters you have chosen.
    • If no results are produced based of your filtering requirements a message will be displayed stating No records found
  • Once you have located the document you would like to delete press the Delete button next to the document.
  • Now you will be greeted with a text box asking you for a comment, this is where you will state your reason for deleting the document. E.g., GDPR Compliance
  • Once you have entered in your reason for deleting the document press the Delete button again
  • You will now be greeted with a pop-up message informing you to click OK and warning you that this action can not be undone.
    • You still have the option to undo this by pressing Cancel

Now that the document has been deleted you can click the Deleted tab and view all the files that have been deleted.

Like before you also have the option to sort and filter the deleted documents. You can sort the documents by;

  • File Name
  • Publication Name
  • Supplier
  • Questionnaire
  • File Size
  • Upload date
  • Expiry
  • Status
  • To do this click on the column name you would like to sort by and the software will automatically sort the documents based on your request

You also have the options to filter out deleted documents by Supplier and Questionnaire, you can choose both filtering options or just one.

  • To do this Click either Supplier/ Questionnaire and select the desired option(s) from the drop down.
  • Once, you have selected your option(s) from the drop-down menu the software will automatically filter out the results based on the filters you have chosen.
    • If no results are produced based of your filtering requirements a message will be displayed stating No records found