Thresholds in Requirements can have authorisers set-up against them. This means that when selecting a threshold for a requirement, a user can select the authoriser(s) needed to approve the Requirement before any notices or Tender questionnaires can be published. 

Once an Threshold has been set-up with an Authoriser, in the Requirement dashboard, there will be 2 new filters:

  • Authorised - showing Requirements that have been authorised
  • Awaiting Authorisation - showing Requirements that are awaiting authorisation

There is also a column header titled 'Authorisation Status' that will show:

  • Blank - the Requirement has not been set up with a Threshold that required Authorisation
  • Awaiting Authorisation 
  • Authorised

N.B. Please contact the Support team ( with which users can be given the permission to act as authorisers.

How to set-up an Authoriser against a Threshold

From the Thresholds tab in Sourcing > Settings:

  • When either adding (click +Add) or editing an existing threshold (Regulations > Outputs > Thresholds > Edit), tick Requires Authorisation
  • Then, click Set Authorisers and set which users can be picked as an Authoriser when this threshold is selected

How to select an Authoriser when choosing a relevant Threshold against your Requirement

When adding a new Requirement or editing an existing Requirement

  • Click Select Threshold
  • Pick the relevant Threshold options, and select which user(s) need to authorise the Requirement and click Select 
    • Please note that all authorisers will need to authorise the Requirement before it is considered 'authorised'.
  • Save the Requirement

A notification will be sent to the Authoriser(s) notifying them that they have a Requirement to authorise.

How to Authorise a Requirement:

When a user has been set up as an Authoriser for a Requirement, they will be sent a notification (which links them to the Requirement to authorise).

They will also have a new filter option in the Requirement dashboard entitled 'Needs your authorisation' so that the user can filter for Requirements that is awaiting their Authorisation.

To Authorise a Requirement:

  • Go into the relevant requirement
  • At the top header of the Requirement, click Authorise
  • This is logged in the Audit Log of the Requirement

Authorisers can be selected as a recipient when sending Nudges and when adding reminders.