Direct-P2P Admins have the highest level of control in Direct-P2P, with the ability to edit settings. Procurement Managers would typically be Admins.

Settings that Admins have control over are spend limit, category management, GL codes and catalogue editing.

What is a Cost Category ?

A Cost Category defines specific goods, services, or works that can be purchased under a contract or from an approved supplier list established within a Requirement. Buyers use a Cost Category to create requisitions or purchase orders for the associated goods, services, or works from the approved contractors or suppliers. Access to this Cost Category is limited to the organization(s), department(s), or team(s) designated as Buyers in the Requirement, and purchases can only be made from Suppliers who are marked as "Live" for the relevant Category or Lot within that Requirement.

A Cost Category is linked to a general ledger code from the subscriber's finance system to facilitate effective integration and reporting.

Adding Groups and Categories:

Cost Groups are what Cost Categories are sorted into. To add a new Cost Group, head to Direct-P2P > P2P Categories and select Add Group. Clicking this will open a modal window where you can enter the name and description of the Cost Group and select whether or not you want this Cost Group to be enabled (i.e. visible in the catalogue). Once added, a new section will appear on the page outlining the categories in the Cost Group. This will be empty until you add your first Cost Category.

To add a Cost Category, click Add Category in the top right. Here, you can enter the name of the Cost Category, select the GL codes to use and add a description for the Cost Category. You can also select whether you want this Cost Category to be enabled (i.e. visible in the catalogue). You can also check Delivery Requires Evidence as an additional setting; this means that delivery evidence with have to be provided before the goods or services can be invoiced.

Adding and editing GL codes:

To add or edit GL codes, navigate to Direct-P2P > P2P Categories. Click on the General Ledger Codes button in the top right-hand corner of your screen. This will open a modal window where you can either input a new code in the fields at the top, clicking Add. Alternatively, you can search for codes in the library section at the bottom of the modal. The results in this table can be sorted and exported to either Excel or a PDF file using the buttons to the top right of the table.